The evangelist was originally from Spain--he had such a clear --on point--interpretation of the Gospel---he told us to read it, take it for what it says without personal bias or bent, and then without excuse do it. PERIOD!
As he began his message, he asked how many had a "bucket list" and then confessed to not understanding this and having to look it up. He laughed and said, "OH these are things YOU WANT TO DO before you kick the bucket!" I must confess, I am not a bucket list maker. There are certainly things I would love to do---but why would I make a list with the possibility of finding out tomorrow I have a short time left here on this Earth. The list would then be a reminder of what I set out to accomplish and did not. I prefer to live life as it comes and when an adventure or opportunity presents itself--WOW--I have been blessed.
My attention was grabbed from the moment he began speaking, but when he said, "Our pain can distort our perspective," my full consciousness and heart turned to what he was saying. Grief can blur our vision and cause us to miss the true picture of what surrounds us. He challenged me to look beyond my life, put the past behind, look to the future, and remember three important things:
1. Be compelled to share the Gospel--because of the fear of the Lord--a healthy "Terror of the Lord". Quoting from the book Meet Yourself in the Psalms by Warren Wiersbe, "That day long ago I was your Savior, but today I am your judge." A poignant reminder of the tears that will flow the day of accountability for each and everyone.
2. Be compelled to share the Gospel--because of the Love of the Lord. Demonstrate the same love for the Lost that we were shown when we were lost.
3. Be compelled to share the Gospel--because of the act of God of entrusting us with the ministry of reconciliation. We were reconciled and became part of God's team and now we are charged with sharing the message of reconciliation.
What does all this say--I was loved so much that Jesus died for me in order that I would be reconciled with God the Father----I am charged with spreading this Good News---and I have NO excuses for not boldly speaking the Word of Truth---I am NOT charged with the outcome of speaking The Truth, but I am accountable for the attempt. There will come a day of judgement for us all--I will have to stand before a Righteous Judge and hear my story recounted--I will enter His Kingdom--BUT how will I fare before His Righteous Throne?
Perhaps it is time I did make a bucket list---a list of the Lost and a plan for begging them to be reconciled---in ALL THINGS including this---
Always For The Cause of Christ.
"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
II Corinthians 5:18
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