It is a rite of passage when you move to Fort Worth to attend the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo. Who am I to miss such an opportunity?? I spent a lovely Sunday-after church and lunch walking through the exhibits, barns, and watching some of the competition. It was a beautiful and wonderful day!
Every stock show/rodeo needs a midway and the rides went on for blocks. If you had rather have a tamer side of the Midway-games were more numerous than rides AND do not forget the Yummy Midway Treats!
The rodeo is so famous that the tickets sell out months in advance. Two and a half weeks of rodeos---and you cannot find a ticket!
We stopped by and watched some riding competition. I do not have a clue what they were doing--beyond riding horses--BUT note young-old-female-male. I have not seen that much silver as was on riders and saddles since the hay day of silver wedding gifts. As if that was not enough--the riders equaled any pageant dresses when it came to sparkle. Amazing competition!
The children's art display included the picture above--an elementary school child's rendition of a boy, a truck and a dog!
It would NOT be Texas without the LONG horn steers!
Saw my LONG lost friend Billy while there! He was NOT happy with the fence and begged to go with me!
The Hallelujah you heard me singing was after the completion of the painting project-
Here we have the molasses dining room wall-
I think I need an antique breakfront in this spot
And then there is the Summer Tan Living Room
With a Molasses Fireplace
You do remember the Vanilla Bean Kitchen?
This is my bedroom which is sunbaked with one wall of molasses.
PERHAPS I like earth tones?
No sign of "The Whiz" across the street as someone so laughingly named him on facebook. Except for the flurry of emails from "The Hood" all has been quiet.
The GOOD NEWS---the firemen are coming Monday to move the furniture. My small group volunteered to come help move me--but I told them I have moved all the boxes-and SURELY you will not deny me the fun of watching the firemen move all this heavy furniture. At that point several volunteered to come help watch!
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