Today is Valentine's Eve- -the entire world is preparing for a grand celebration tomorrow. I am thinking of the quote above and remembering to be thankful. We will all suffer the pain of loss---if we love---sooner or later--we must endure the pain. One of the keys to enduring the loss is remembering the blessing that came with loving someone. There is always a blessing and things which make it all bearable.
My Children
My Grandchildren
Such Blessings And A Wonderful Legacy!
There is another far-far greater than me--who loved us---and left Himself open to the pain. The pain He endured that we might live and love is beyond our comprehension. Today I am focusing on the lessons in love that He has taught me--selfless love--love with a cost---a high price--and yet He still loved us--knowing the pain to come--He gave Himself and taught us the true meaning of love---He is the author and the creator--He teaches me how to love each and every day and He has faithfully held me each step of the way. If we love Him--if we follow Him--it is worth it---even when we suffer pain---He is worth it.
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
John 13:34-35
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