The sun is shining---the temperatures are warming--and ONCE AGAIN--I decide I need to hit the road. My idea of hitting the road these days is walking. Interestingly, this part of Fort Worth is VERY hilly ---very similiar to Ruston. If you head to the western edge of Fort Worth--it flattens out and stays flat until you fall off the edge of the road into New Mexico. Perhaps on a really clear day--you can see all the way to New Mexico from here--it is that flat! I diverge---this seemed like a really good idea---I began walking at the Y on the treadmill (YUCK!)--and now I have hit the roads again. As I climb those hills---I manage to restrain myself until I crest the top---but at that point---I plead "MERCY"!
I love having my sweet little grands over---BUT after a couple of hours and them pulling EVERY thing out ---and strewing it from one end to the other and eating every loose morsel in my kitchen--with a trail of crumbs throughout the house---I often exclaim "MERCY!" as they walk out the door and I survey the damage.
Are you seeing the pattern? I am pleading for mercy AFTER the fact---NOT when I am in the midst of the moment! AFTER I have tried to handle the moment of struggle/crisis/pain myself AND failed, THEN I cry out MERCY!
I am so thankful that God has poured His mercy over me---before I make my mess. As I walk through the day---struggle with my inadequacies--face lonely moments---veer off the path----His mercy covers me. Jesus---OH JESUS---He provided the cover---He supplies the mercy. What a wonderful gift!
"The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works."
Psalms 145:9
What an awesome though! Praying for mercy in the middle of our circumstances because it's already there! Yes!