I write--because I love to write--I continue writing - because of your approval.  If I examine my heart, it becomes quite apparent, I want--no-I crave your approval.  I reply to every comment--on the blog or on Facebook---I look at who has "Liked" the post.  Would I continue to write without your feedback---probably not in a public forum.  We all have a deep seeded need for approval--and our efforts are a reflection of how well we perceive others accept our works.  

Almost everything we do--is done with the need for the stamp of approval.  I clean my house--in hopes you will comment upon my tidiness skills (And maybe to satisfy my OCD personality).  I cook only what I need to sustain life when cooking for myself, but if I am cooking for others---I take great pride in being a good cook.  You see I am given approval when others tell me how delicious my offering is.  When I work in my yard, I do not keep it hidden behind a fence--but instead leave it wide open to public scrutiny.  If you stop and comment--I quickly sweep you around to see the backyard too.  All for the sake of a moment of praise.  

I love my sweet grands---and spend many hours helping keep them on course.  My daughter ALWAYS thanks me for each and every small act of assistance.  Would I still help without the thanks--probably--but it would then become the love of those little grands which would motivate me.  So I have a win-win, when I receive thanks from her and the sweet love of those little ones.

Your praise is a form of thanks for my offering--whatever form it takes. We all covet--the love, approval, and thanks of those we serve--in whatever form the service takes.



In the beginning--there was nothing and with each new creation--GOD acknowledged it was good--and there was no need for thanks-His Word was sufficient.  He spent 6 days creating---and each day---HE said, "It is good" until He created man and He said that it all was VERY Good---and there was never an utterance from Adam or Eve of thanks.

God will be God--AND He is unchangeable---EVEN if we fail to offer Him praise and thanksgiving.  God is infinite love and mercy--and His character is not dependent upon man's thanks.

BUT---our thanksgiving and praise---ARE a reflection of our heart--our recognition of Who He Is!  When we humble ourselves---climb down off our personal throne---and fall before Him in absolute awe of all He has blessed us with---it is a sign of the condition of our heart---not His need for our approval.  When we offer Him true praise and thanksgiving---He is pleased and it floats to the Heavens as incense around the altar.  But God will continue to faithfully love us--watch over us--care for us--provide for us---even if we fail to thank Him.

Think on this, Friends---give me your thoughts---Does God need or require our thanks?  I cherish your input!

"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. 
I Chronicles 29:11


  1. God does not need our thanks. He does not need flowers placed in church, lighting of candles, continuous singing of hymns of praise or incense everywhere. In fact He opens all the windows in case the incense sets off His smoke alarms. He does not need constant prayers, reciting the Rosary, or repetition of litanies.

    When I say He does not need these things, I mean He is by no means diminished if we do not do them, or found wanting if we fail to pray and praise Him.

    But we do these things anyway. I have lit many a candle in my time and will continue to do so. We do these things out of reverence, love and respect for Someone who has done so much for us. Not only did He create us, but He also gave us the luxury and freedom to love Him back or not; to believe in Him even, or not. And when we failed; He sent us Christ to redeem us.

    As for you Lulu, I for one am grateful for your writings. You have my approval and thanx.

    As for me, I am a great cook and I get daily approval and thanx for my offerings from our dog.

    God bless.

    1. Precisely my thoughts, Victor. We can not dam up our thanks if we are truly thankful.

      I am grateful for all the out loud laughs you have given me!
      Blessings, Friend!

  2. Thanks for going there on that unspoken craving to be noticed, applauded, validated. Our social media world panders to all that with its emphasis on likes, comments, friends, and our obsession with stats. But one thing I'm in the process of learning is that the more I get my affirmation from God, the better I feel about who He's created me to be, and less dependent on what everyone and their brother may think.

    This is a learning curve, for sure. But one I continually need to grasp hold of.

    1. My prayer daily, LInda, "God, show me you are more than enough!" Yes---we only need his affirmation--you are so right!
      Blessings, Friend

  3. Hi Lulu! I really agree with you Lulu. God doesn't need our praise, but I need to realize what he does for me. It puts me in a right relationship with Him. He is my Father, and everything I have is from Him.
    I think we all motor along on outside support and praise. It is a good motivator. Not to mention if we didn't have at least some praise, we'd just quit. I hope you're not thinking of that? Let's support each other as we hope to inspire ourselves and those around us!

    1. Until He tells me "Stop", I'll continue sharing my thoughts & meditations, Friend! Definitely think the condition of our heart is directly reflected by our Thanksgiving! As I ponder a this, it stretches me to hear what others think , Ceil & many times it causes me to reconsider my opinion. Thank you for your wise words!
      Blessings, Friend!

  4. {{{Big, Big smiles}}} I can't/couldn't agree more with the other commenters. Blessings

    1. We have done wise friends , Linda !
      Blessings Friend!

  5. Quite correct Lulu. Being human I need praise, affection, kind words, and the comfort of companionship too. I think most of the problems that stem from our worship of Christ is we try to put human attributes on Him. Even though He was (is?) human minus the sin, He is also completely Holy God not capable of sin or human failings or our petty ways. He doesn't need help with remembering that someone needs assistance (like in praying to the dead to 'help' - that's completely unscriptural). He never tires. He is completely and always perfect.
    As always, excellent post that makes me think.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

    1. We spend our lives putting God & Jesus on the same level as us---and we can't even being to fathom Who They Are! My brain is permanently cramped from all the thinking I have done on this topic, Sparky!
      Blessings, Friend!

  6. It's not about God needing my thanks. It's all about me affirming all that I have from God. I am just so darn thankful. I think I would explode if I didn't say "thank you, Lord".

    1. The indicator of a soft heart filled with Him, Vannie!
      Blessings, Friend!

  7. thanks for the website.this site is very good and powerful.article is very strong


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Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!