Though criticism has been my life long companion, I do not handle it well. My lying heart tells me it is all truth, when in fact---it is merely an opinion of another--and not necessarily fact. My life long journey through the maze of what you have done, said, or written wrong has- at times--ruled my opinion of myself. I give far too much credit to the words of some other flawed and less than perfect human being.
I am taking a page from the Anne Voskamp theology, and consciously concentrating on all the blessings in my life. As I journal every day, a part of my evening examen is writing down at least one blessing God has gifted me with today. In the mornings as I begin my day with time with the Author of All Great Things, I am writing a reminder of who I am to Him. I am not of the persuasion that by setting our intention to have a wonderful day --it will happen. I am convinced no matter how the day plays out---He is constantly by my side. Directing my thoughts to whom God is and who I am to Him--can only serve to improve my attitude about what the day brings.
S0-when the criticism comes---and it will---I will remember silence is worse. At least when I am criticized someone is acknowledging my presence--my thoughts and my words. And I will remember the criticism is only an opinion from one as beautifully flawed as me. The One who is most important has already told me what He thinks of me--and it is all good.
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
I Peter 2:9
"S0-when the criticism comes ... I will remember silence is worse."
ReplyDeleteThere is a story which claims that Oscar Wilde was speaking with a terrible poet who had recently published a book of verse. The poet complained that no one was reviewing his work. He felt it was being deliberately ignored.
“There is a conspiracy of silence against my book, Oscar. What should I do?”
“Join it,” replied Oscar.
Lulu, this is by way of saying that I will not be silent and ignore you or your posts and comments. And by way of criticism, may I say that sometimes you are too hard on yourself. You're a much nicer person than you believe you are.
Thank you also for not ignoring my books and for commenting about them. By the way, did you know what Groucho Marx said about one of my books?
"From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend reading it."
So there you have it ... you are a very nice person and my books are ridiculous.
God bless you.
Oh, Victor, thank you for reminding us to not take ourselves quite so seriously!
DeleteBlessings, Friend!
I agree with Victor, your too hard on yourself, friend. I love the last image; "Always be willing to make an attitude adjustment"--- Amen, sista'. Blessings
ReplyDeleteIf I don't give myself a swift quick occasionally- I may lapse into a coma!
DeleteBlessings, Linda!
"attitude adjustment "...some days easy Peasy...some days hard as nails. Thank you, Jesus, that you love us in whatever attitude we are in. ❤️
DeleteBlessings, Vannie!
Another wonderful lesson. Many years ago part of my Managerial training was to take an Assertiveness Training class. Even though it was decidedly secular, it was the best thing I ever did, business wise. It can also be carried over into 'real life'. I hope from that training I've learned to not criticize or confront (that's considered aggressive) but to instead offer my point of view (passive with a point). That way they can take it or leave it and hopefully with no hurt feelings.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I finally have an appointment to see a hand specialist about my hand/wrist pain. Please pray for me? Thanks so much. I appreciate it.
Hope your day is blessed sister in Christ. ~:)
Sparky- I have you on my list- please keep me updated!
DeleteBlessings, Sister!