The children's visit to the bank with their father has turned into a fiasco which resulted in a run on the bank.  Running away and squeezing between the legs of the customers, they are desperately seeking to escape from the anger of their father.  BAM!-they run into Bert who wisely counsels them-

You know,begging you pardon, but the one who my heart goes out for is your father. There he is in that cold, heartless bank day after day, hemmed in by mounds of cold, heartless money. I don't like to see any living thing caged up.
Father in a cage?

They makes cages in all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped some of 'em, carpets and all.

George had allowed his job at the bank to become his all consuming life.  He was trapped behind the bars of fighting his way to the top, making money for Mr. Dawes, producing profits for the bank, and proving his worth.  In this desperate fight to provide--he lost balance in his life and found himself trapped behind the bars of his job.  When he lost his perspective, he closed the door to his family and the needs of others--such as the bird lady across the street and became focused instead on his climb to the top.  

I have found myself trapped behind bars at different times in my life.  My career became a time sucking quick sand and robbed me of precious time with family and friends.  My running slowly drew me in from a desire for good health to an all consuming passion which exceeded my body's needs and began to instead eat away at the hours of the day.  My beautiful home and garden took me from project to project--with always one more thing needed in the quest for perfection.  

Anything I allowed to steal me away from the truly important could become my cage.  The cage I erected myself bar by bar--until finally one cay I closed the door and lost the key.  I became so accustomed to what I had created as normal--my focus had become blurred to the truth of the important.

I leave you with this---perhaps we all should step back and examine our lives--where we spend our time, energy, and focus.   When you stand close to the bars and look through one square only, you would never realize you are in a cage.  It takes stepping back and viewing what surrounds us as a whole to realize we are trapped behind the self constructed bars.  The good news--the bars can come down--the walls can be destroyed--and the path to the important things is always right in front of the door.

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
Ephesians 5:15


  1. Oh wow, what a powerful post...thank you Lulu...have a beautiful day friend.

    1. May your day be filled with joy, My Friend!

  2. Powerful post indeed. But Lulu, have some pity on those in cages. Sometimes we are encaged through no fault of our own. I remember having to get up at five in the morning, travelling daily to London to be at my office at 8:30am and getting back home at 8.00:pm. I just HAD to do it to keep a family and pay the ortgage and other bills. Sometimes I had to drive miles to another city far away to arrive at 8:30am and get back home at 9:00pm if not later. There are many trapped in this cage just like me. We just HAVE to do it; if not for us then for our loved ones.

    God bless.

    1. Sorry I said :ortgage. I just could not afford an M.

      God bless.

    2. Oh Victor, I totally understand how we often struggle for the sake of others- but it's important to do the best with the tone we do have. Also many of my cages were self imposed & unnecessary - that is a horse of a totally different color !
      Blessings, My Friend!

  3. Great analogy!

    The cage scenario is an apt one for sure, Lulu! Sometimes we have the power to dig out the key to escape to a life of freedom ...

    And there, the adventure begins!

    1. Yes, My Friend, Yes!
      Blessings !

    2. And, Victor, there is a huge difference between having to & choosing to!

  4. Wow! What a powerful message!!Thank you! Should print that out & post it somewhere for daily reference/reminder.

    1. Perhaps we should try keeping a diary of how we spend the minutes in one day-it might be eye opening!
      Blessings !

  5. Thanks for the verse from Ephesians ♥

    1. Thank you for stopping by & reading. I always end each post with a scripture.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!