How could The Word possibly tell us to be thankful in A L L circumstance?  This is impossible at best and illogical at a minimum.  

There it is--though--spelled out for all to see--as written by Paul to the Thessalonians.

SURELY He was NOT speaking of the evil in our world---child rape, murder, sex trade, brutality, genocide, theft, abuse, and on and on--the evil inflicted on others with no regard for the victims.  SURELY God did not intend for us to be thankful for that!

Surely He was not speaking of hurricanes taking untold lives and property, tsunamis wiping away tens of thousands, earth quakes leveling entire cities, floods destroying entire regions, and other disasters caused by the forces of nature.  SURELY God did not intend for us to be thankful for that!

Surely He was not speaking of the loss of our precious loved ones, chronic painful illnesses, birth defects, or any of the other maladies of life.  The loss of a limb or multiple limbs, the loss of sight, speech, or our hearing--are we to be thankful for that?  SURELY God did not intend for us to be thankful in ALL circumstance!

YES--YES--He did---and I will NOT tell you it is easy---I will tell you it is a life long lesson in discipline to thank Him in all circumstance.  This can be a trial by fire as we grow into the perfection of the saints by acknowledging His sovereignty.  And those that watch us--are either attracted or repelled by our response as we experience trials and hardships.  We are the lighthouse that either attracts or repels others to The Light.   " As children of the God who has blessed us with every blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, by our thankfulness in every situation we should reflect His goodness and love to a world that does not know Him. " Stephen J. Cole

In our thankfulness, we acknowledge His intent that all things will be used for  good for those that are called according to His purpose.  What man intends for evil--God can use for good.  Though God hates the sin, He can use the sinner for His eternal purposes.    In our thankfulness, we admit our short sight and His eternal vision.  In our thankfulness, we submit to Him and His plans.  We give thanks in recognition to who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for man.  In our thankfulness we point to the only hope here on this earth and proclaim our belief in His promises.  

NO--He was not kidding---and it clearly is not most things---but in ALL things we are to be thankful.

We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.  And this hope will not lead to disappointment.
Romans 5:3-5


  1. When we thank and praise God when things go wrong in our lives, we are NOT thanking Him BECAUSE they have gone wrong but because He is still in control. Our praise acknowledges His Divine omnipotence and shows our trust in Him that, according to His will, He will turn a bad situation to the good - for us or for others. Whenever we praise Him it opens a channel for God to turn a bad situation to the good. I have seen this happen many times. Let me give an example:

    Years ago someone I know well (Jack) was suddenly taken ill with cancer. His family was totally devastated, their faith was shaken as they entered the dark days ahead as the illness progressed. Somehow, he remained calm and seemed to accept it all. Jack was taken to hospital and whilst there he was in a room with another man with the same illness. The other man was totally distraught and spent all the time crying and fearing his impending death. One day, Jack got out of his bed and sat next to the other man and said: Trust in God; all will be well. You'll be healed.

    After both Jack and the other man were operated on they convalesced in hospital and became friends. Jack spoke more about God and the other man and his family became Christians. Both are still and their families are now friends. Had Jack not had that terrible illness he would not have met the other man and a whole family would probably not known God.

    God bless you, Lulu.

    1. Sorry - meant to say "both are still alive".

    2. What a beautiful example of how God uses even the worst of times. Thank you for sharing, Victor. I am thankful for your comments which always add to my posts, Friend!

    3. Thanks, I needed this reminder today.

    4. It can be a tough pill to swallow in our humanness, Cherie!

  2. "a life long lesson in discipline to thank Him in all circumstance". It is, on a daily bases too, sometimes minutes by minute. Looking back and seeing God work in our life through those terrible times causes thankfulness. Thankful we made it through them. Thankful it was not worst, thankful for the peace that can be there just for the asking when times are terrible. Thankful all the evil will be gone someday, Jesus is returning to end it all. Thankful that heaven is my next home where no evil will exist. Good post.

    1. Well said, Betty! Thank you for commenting!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!