Recently a long kept secret was revealed to me--by a series of occurrences which played out over a number of years.  I am still in disbelief.  I have spent a great deal of time thinking over the truth and trying to decide what to do with it.  It was a huge game changer in my life and now what do I do with this truth?  Is there any benefit to revealing this information to anyone beyond the extremely small circle of those knowledgeable?  This long kept secret--has thrown a big kink into the truth I thought I knew and the actual  facts.  Why would anyone keep a secret for decades?  I was spared the truth hoping to protect me and perhaps in a sense of shame.  Truth will not be denied its day to shine.

What I have learned from this entire story is there are never really any secrets.  We are told in The Word--all will be revealed and we also know God is all knowing so our desperate attempts to live behind a cloud of secrecy is futile at best.  The most disturbing fact is the far reaching repercussions are often devastating for those in the sphere of influence of the one hiding behind the bush of deceit.  I stand in testimony, though it took six decades for the truth to catch up---the truth all came bubbling to the surface with one innocent question that I never imagined would have  an answer.  I had asked the question quite a few times to a number of people--with no answer.  A brief conversation with one I never dreamed would have the answer was the pivotal point in the revelation of truth.  The truth ALWAYS comes out!

This mini-drama of life has reminded me of one lesson that should be a rule for living-

If you can not do it in the light of day, if you can not say it on a stage before the world, if there is a need for hiding behind the veil of secrecy--DO NOT DO IT!  Live the truth in the full light of day--with a crowd of witnesses as your backup.

Anything done with the fear of exposure is not worth doing and will rain destruction upon those involved.  The cover of darkness is always temporary and the light of truth will always shine.  Live the truth!

“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Matthew 10:26-28


  1. Good post, Lulu.

    But please help me ... am I in a deja-vu situation? Or a ground hog day sort of time loop? Have you not already posted this post before? Or did I see it in one of my previous lives? And now I have been re-incarnated like myself again and see the post once more. I suppose it is better than being re-incarnated as a tin of condensed milk!

    God bless.

    1. I have referred to this before, Victor. Still processing and it must have made the loop again and resurfaced. I apologize for my redundancy.
      Blessings, My Friend!

  2. I have quit processing and just get on with life....the truth and lies will always come out....just saying. Did I never mention the real reason my folks don't want me back in school and the jealously? The truth finally came out...all these years I was told my mother graduated from University....nope. Funny, how the truth can come spilling out when jealously and hatred has something to do with it. Sigh.

    1. The truth always wins, My Friend. As we process and place our truths in their proper perspective, may we also learn to live in truth.
      Blessings, My Friend!

  3. Just like my dear old mama always said, "Tell the truth, Vanette". And even though I knew I might get punished, it always was better (in the big picture) to spill my guts. Good blog.

    1. Yes, we all have times we would love to run from the truth which will follow us and dog us until it is brought into the light of day. There is NO escaping truth!
      Easter Blessings, My Friend!

  4. In the movie "The Girl on the Train" the main character wakes up from years of a drunken stupor to face a new reality. A few days after watching that movie just as I was thinking about how I loved the power of her revelation I glanced across a wall hanging and was hit in the head with an ugly, hidden memory, a big ugly monster which I had come upon years before, made excuses for its maker, and buried it so deep in my mind that it was essentially no more. For years I kept looking back at that phase of my life with a sense of guilt and personal failure. When I had heard a Bible study about how we look back at Egypt in our own lives I had come to understand that phase was my Egypt, but no matter how much I prayed about it or how much I tried to reconcile it twangs of guilt had me looking back. That day when that big, ugly monster came to light it was so vivid in my mind I must have said every expletive I could think of as I vented my anger against the maker of that ugly thing and in anger of my own naivety to dismiss that big, ugly monster for the ugliness that it was. I had so easily buried it with the other ugly things of that facade phase of my life. After venting out loud for a half hour or so I journaled away, then I was done. I knew there was no exacting revenge with the maker of that big, ugly monster because it would only do more harm than good. The good that came out of it for me was God helping me to see my Egypt for what it really was, and to release that sense of guilt and failure. I don't know why it stay buried so long other than maybe God had given me plenty of time to reconcile it myself, but I wasn't hacking it so He woke me up. This was not the first time in my life I covered up big, ugly things,and there's probably more to be said about that. I am just glad for that secret-no-more, and that I can better appreciate more my here and now, and look more wholeheartedly to the journey ahead.

    1. I have read and reread your comment and tried to process what you are saying. My revelation came from an innocent remark to another--which lead to the ugly truth rearing its head. Your truth stayed buried deep in your sub-conscious for a long time before finally surfacing. I came away with one thing--we ALL need to live the truth and if what we are saying or doing needs to be done behind the veil of secrecy--it does not need to be done or said. We live in a Fallen World---what a mess we can make of things!
      Blessings and thank you for your comment!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!