Though I am not in the middle of this picture, I spent my life in the middle of the birth order of this crew.  It has had a large influence in who I am today.  I am the intermission between two great acts!   A great analogy is the cartoon sandwiched in the middle of the two main features of a Saturday afternoon matinee--in my long ago childhood.  

The leading act is brilliant--the consummate Eagle Scout--President of the Class--Valedictorian--Rhodes Scholar Finalist--Law Review--Federal Judge.  Well thought of by all who know him--I have spent my life trying to live up to the challenge of being Robbie's sister.  

And then there is Momma's baby.  Born with beautiful blond ringlets and a handsome smile, Noel looks a great deal like my mother's side of the family and was blessed with all the baby good looks in the family.  He could do no wrong in Momma's eyes and was not only her baby, but her favorite.  An Eagle Scout as well--he also is a computer genius and speaks the foreign tongue of techno speak.  I feel like the main character in "Dumber Than Dumb" when asking him any innocent computer question.

One might think being the only girl I would hold the trump card--NO-that would not be the case.  Being the middle child creates a whole new set of craziness to the pre-programmed set of crazy I was genetically pre-disposed to have. My crazy comes with a side of nuts!

I am NEEDY!  In fact I am beyond needy--I am addicted to affirmation.  Approval and confirmation are my crack and the stamp of approval is my upper.   I care what you think about me--I hope I please you--I want you to like me.  Come to me with your problems and I will try to fix it for you.  Tell me your needs and I will do my best to supply them.  I am the original fixer upper!

NOW--I have come to realize there is nothing wrong with me---as long as I keep my priorities straight.  Being sandwiched between two amazing brothers is a great blessing!  Being programmed to try to help others is a wonderful thing--there is much joy to be gained by being a servant.  And perhaps my desire to be loved comes from my deep love for others.  God uniquely creates us to serve His good purpose.  My personality is no surprise to Him and He will use my uniqueness to bless me while furthering His Kingdom.  The challenge becomes not worrying about what others think, but instead being concerned with His pleasure.  My personality was created by factors and traits He placed in my life.  My hurdle becomes to not compare myself to anyone else--but instead to be the best Me possible.  That Me--will only come when I am living His plan and in His will.  As long as He loves me---the rest will be taken care of itself.

When a man's ways please the Lord,
 he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs 16:7


  1. It doesn't matter whether you are in the middle or not, as long as you are loved by all, family, friends, acquaintances and even fellow bloggers. But most of all ... by God.

    God bless.

    1. Victor. I am not loved by all- but I have the assurance God loves me-no matter what ! This Fallen World -evidenced all around us -prevents peace-goodwill among all mankind!
      Blessings, My Friend!

  2. I agree Victor. Unfort. I don't have that with my family...how said is that. I am the oldest and only girl, and an overachiever. Always have been and probably always will be.

    Anyway, another great post, Lulu. Have a beautiful day friend.

    1. It must be most difficult to be the oldest in birth order. All the dashed hopes & dreams of your parents heaped upon your shoulders. You, My Friend, are a wonder to behold !


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!