Occasionally I read a book with a truth which cries out to be shared.  ~

 "When we feel abandoned, alone, and lost, what's left to us?  What do I have, what do you have, what do any of us have left except the overpowering temptation to rail against God and to blame Him for the dark night into which he's led us, to blame Him for our misery, to blame Him and cry out against Him for not caring?  What's left to us when that which we love most has been taken?

I will tell you what's left, three profound blessings.  In his first letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul tells us exactly what they are: faith, hope and love.  These gifts, which are the foundation of eternity, God has given to us and he's given us complete control over them.  Even in the darkest night, it's still within our power to hold to faith.  We can still embrace hope.  And though we may ourselves feel unloved, we can still stand steadfast in our love for others and for God.  All this is in our control.  God gave us these gifts, and He does not take them back.  It is we who choose to discard them.

In your dark night, I urge you to hold to your faith, to embrace hope, and to bear your love before you like a burning candle, for I promise that it will light your way.

And whether you believe in miracles or not, I can guarantee that you will experience one.  It may not be the miracle you prayed for.  God probably won't undo what's been done.  The miracle is this: that you will rise in the morning and be able to see again the startling beauty of the day.

Jesus suffered the dark night and death and on the third day He rose again through the grace of His Loving Father.  For each of us, the sun sets and the sun also rises and through the grace of our Lord we can endure our own dark night and rise to the dawning of a new day and rejoice."

Ordinary Grace


  1. This is a wonderful post, Lulu. Full of truth and good advice. Thank you.

    By the way, and perhaps to make you smile, did you know that when I was younger I knew three girls called Faith, Hope and Isolda! I think the last one had a stupid name, don't you?

    God bless.

    1. I was merely the messager, Victor. Loved this quote!

      As for your girlfriends, 😆

      Blessings, My Friend!

  2. Another great post, Lulu. Have a beautiful day friend.

  3. Replies
    1. I was so moved by these words, that I was compelled to share.
      TRUTH, Martha, TRUTH!


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