I strongly suspect we all have at least one of those individuals in our lives who invade our personal space when we try to have a conversation with them. You know the type--they plant their feet toe to toe with yours and you begin to wonder if you are having a conversation or a dental exam. It is so distracting to have someone inches from your face that it is almost impossible to pay much attention to what they are saying while staring at their nose hairs. You begin to wonder if your are breathing in their carbon dioxide while they are taking all the oxygen out of the air.
And then there are those individuals in our lives who know no boundaries when it comes to asking personal questions. I am usually so shocked to be asked "None of Your Business" questions that I stand there with my mouth unhinged. It takes me a minute to come up with the quick comeback. Somehow the quick comeback looses much of its effect when you are late with the delivery.
We all tend to put up boundaries around ourselves in some form or fashion. Boundaries we do not want crossed--under any circumstance. Those boundaries are usually "self-preservation" tactics. It is always a boundary in a relationship with another. In an effort to protect ourselves we install invisible walls with large "NO TRESPASSING" notices all over them. The price you pay for not allowing any trespassing is a less than honest relationship.
This crew LOVES to get in Lulu's personal space. This is one instance I do not mind being crowded in on.
As I thought over the boundaries we place around ourselves, I began to consider how we make a futile attempt at placing boundaries between us and God. You know all those areas where we think "I'VE GOT THIS!" Thinking we are handling what ever the circumstance, we take God out of the equation. We are busy planning every step of our life and God is up there laughing at our futile attempts. We do not want to admit we are dismal failures at this planning business and His Way is always the best way. So we do not turn EVERYTHING over to God, we place boundaries around ourselves. We even place a boundary around old hurts, past grudges, deep seeded hatred, and on and on ---we don't seem to want to allow God to take them from us--instead we like to lick our wounds and fuel our anger--forever!
Here is the truth about it. God is rolling His eyes at our attempts to place boundaries between Him and us. He knows our most intimate thoughts and understands us better than we could ever even understand ourselves. Our trite attempts at placing boundaries between us and God is about as effective as me keeping the varmints out of my backyard. He sees us---He knows us---He loves us---take down the boundaries--throw open the door and give Him it all. You KNOW the plans He has for you!
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
I bless the Lord who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Psalm 16:5-8
I wonder ... should I tell my wife my middle name? Or is it one boundary too far?
ReplyDeleteYou make some very good points in this post, Lulu.
God bless.
Victor, don’t tell her! She will then be able to use the full name tactic when lecturing you! Another level of disapproval is the old two name address.
DeleteBlessings, My Friend!
Such a cute photo of you with the grands, Lulu! Yes, that's the kind of "in your face" closeness that I cherish, too. And you are absolutely right about thinking we can put up any boundary and keep God out - impossible! He is here, there and everywhere, to loosely quote a Beatles' song. And I'm so glad He is!
Amen, My Friend!
I absolutely love this post, Lulu. For so many reasons you had my attention from word one .
ReplyDeleteBless you, My Friend!