My blogging friend Victor recently posted a blog HERE which reminded me of a story. International travel can be rewarding (you see great sights), but also frustrating. Those people in man foreign countries (we are a foreign country to them--think that over) do NOT speak English ~ G A S P ! We Americans are arrogant enough to expect EVERYONE to learn English. If you travel, you will quickly learn they ignore our arrogance and dare to speak their native tongue.
Anytime I have traveled to a non-English speaking country, I do not let their inability to understand English deter me. I speak V E R Y slowly and VERY loudly so they will understand my English. Most of the time, I also add the accent from their country as well---in ENGLISH ~ of course! This leads to a shouting match with the same problem we began with. They do not understand me and I do not understand them---STALEMATE!
Compound that problem with speaking English with a Southern drawl and you have a problem even when you are crossing into an English speaking country. One of the hikers' trips to Canada lead to a language barrier problem. We were crossing the border when one of those good looking Mountie men approaches the car window to question us. NOW remember, there are 6 excitable past middle age women and one quiet and calm guy in the vehicle. You can imagine who does the talking. One of our group has a VERY pronounced Southern drawl (GOD LOVE HER!). We might have had some fruit in the car which was against all rules for carrying across borders. (You never know if they will have fruit in foreign countries!) (By the way ~ what is the statute of limitations for fruit smuggling?) To distract (AS IF!) the cute but stern Mountie, the Southern belle proceeds to give him a long story about all the bears we have seen in the states. He keeps asking her what she is talking about --- B E A R S. FINALLY-he looks at her and says, "Lady, Bayer (her pronunciation) is an aspirin---BEAR is an animal." We all cracked up--including him. (Even if the statue of limitations has not expired, the evidence is LONG gone.)
Did you laugh at either story? Today's word is
A friend I have known my entire life sent this word. I must say, we have enjoyed MANY a laugh over these decades. We grew up together and then raised children at the same time. LOTS of history between us!
What a GLORIOUS GIFT God has given us with laughter. It is SO important that it is addressed in The Word. Proven to be beneficial physically as well as emotionally, laughter is good medicine. We should double up on our daily dose during these trying days.
Perhaps my family is different, but we usually tell funny stories about our loved ones during those intense first days of loss. Grief is complex and draining and I find myself trying to lighten the mood by remembering all those sweet and funny stories of our history together. Do you remember this scene from "Steel Magnolias"
Yes, it is a movie, but it also is a wonderful example how laughter can be the best medicine for those intense moments of great anguish. Do you think this is not the time for laughter? What better way to show our love than to allow someone to laugh at us to relieve the anguish of the moment? God gave us laughter and sometimes it is the perfect escape valve for the bottled up intensity of emotions we are feeling.
I love to make other laugh and laughing at my expense is well worth the cost of any embarrassment I might experience. Laughter can sometimes be so close to tears that the tears overflow in the midst of the laughter.
When I get so tickled that it leads to tears, I have really let what is bottled up go. Why at this point in life, sometimes I can get so tickled, the tears run down my legs . Did you laugh? Your welcome.
My prescription for a good life ~ at least one daily good belly laugh. Find something to tickle your funny bone. Let go and laugh without wondering what others might think. Laugh with gusto. And enjoy the exercise of joy through laughter. What a glorious gift from God!
21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy
Job 8:21
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Thank you so much for the mention of my Blog, Lulu. Much appreciated. For those readers who want to read the story "Parlez vous Greek?" here's the link:
You are right that when speaking to a foreigner we tend to imitate their accent. Here's my conversation in Paris having asked for directions.
Scoouse moi monsieur were eez zee direction to zee Effelle Toweer?
Why you speak to me in zee French accent? You take zee Mickey Mouse of my speaking?
Non ... non ... monsieur. I do not intend zee insult to you. I just ask for zee directions!
I will not tell you. Ask zis man passing zee by here. (A passing man stops).
Buon giorno. Come sono di assistance for you?
(French man addresses him). Allo my friend. How 'appy I am to see you. Mamma mia ... canna you 'elp zis man? 'E wantsa to go to zee Eiffella Towera.
'Ei ... why you speaka to me in funny Italian accent? You taking zee pizza of me?
No ... no ... signore ... I taking ze pizza offa zis English man 'ere!!!
God bless.
We are laughing, Victor! Thank you!
We can always count on Victor for a great laugh, Lulu! And yes, laughter is a a great gift, one we need to practice every day, even, and especially, in hard times. It is a relief valve for our souls.
Amen, Martha! On both counts.