My thoughts are a mish mash of present and past experiences.  Early this AM, I was thinking about the casualness of our dress today.  I went back to my childhood and remembered wearing these white gloves anytime we were taking a plane trip or even headed "To Town" (that would not be the small town I grew up in but the larger metropolis 30 miles southeast).  We wore our everyday casual (or play clothes) only at home.  You did not leave home without a dress on, and the place you were going determined the level of accessories required .  

NOW, you all know I LOVE my casual wear.   My yoga pants and a dri fit shirt ( or my beloved fleece in cold weather) are my go to.  At one time I had a closet filled with "work suits" and dresses and a few casual clothing items.  Today I have mostly casual items with a few dressy items.  Everyone needs one good funeral dress.  Our society has morphed into a casual society.  It seems there is no longer a need for dressy.  Why?

As I thought through this, I realized I "dress up" on occasions when I want to show respect.  I would not go meet any important official in my yoga pants.  Today I wear dressier clothing when attending a funeral or going to church or for any important meeting.  Perhaps a night out on the town would require dressier clothing, but COVID has wrecked havoc on my nights on the town.  My leaning toward casual has taken on more of a customary dress habit.  There is a part of me that greatly misses those days of white gloves, hats, and heels.  Perhaps I am not as casual a person as I once thought.  Perhaps I did enjoy dressing up for the right reasons.  

Going back to the question of why society has morphed into such casual dress habits, I have a theory.  If we wear our better clothing to show respect for those we will be around, perhaps we have lost respect for our fellow man.  I cannot believe it, but my casual dress is a by product of the "Me Generation".  My being comfortable has become more important than showing my respect for those I am going to be around.  I have slowly allowed my staying at home so much to influence how I dress even when I am not at home.  Comfort has become my right.  

The one place I do always dress up for is church.  It is a sign of respect for God while in corporate worship.  Does God really care what I wear?  Probably not.  What God does care about is my attitude toward Him.  If I think wearing my best is a way of showing my respect and acknowledgement of a Holy God, then I should put on my best.  This could open another can of worms, but I will leave it here to ponder.

"I give thanks to you,

O Lord my God,

with my whole heart,

and I glorify your name forever."

Psalm 86:12


  1. You have definitely made me reflect upon why our society is so "into" the casual dress and look, Lulu. Yes, I remember those days when one would dress up to take a train trip, go to church or simply go shopping in the big city. I wonder how folks would react today if we started doing this again? We have, sadly, lost respect in so many ways for our fellow human beings; we should think long and hard about how to repair this rift.

    1. I am thinking it begins with us, Martha. One small step at a time.
      Blessings, My Friend!


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