My sweet neighbor came by yesterday for a quick catch up.  I have wonderful neighbors here in the hood.   We all seem to stay on the fast track, but catch up is always a pleasure.  She related a story about a close friend which was the God nudge #1 for today's blog.  Her dear friend who is terminally ill.  Not too long after the diagnosis the friend told her she did not want to die and was afraid.  The last time they visited, after enduring treatments and the pain of the disease itself, the friend told her she was ready and at peace.


I have a long list of friends who have lost loved ones.  I pray for them to find peace and to be comforted by their sweet memories.  COVID has not helped with the length of the list and the season of life I am in has a huge impact.  In case you have not realized it yet, let me share, we do not get out of this alive.  God nudge #2 came while praying for those who mourn today.

Today's devotional covered the story of Jairus' daughter's death.  God nudge #3 was precipitated by these wise words.  "When you fall into a deep sleep, the next thing you know it is morning.  When you die in Christ, the next thing you know you will be with the Lord."  If that doesn't grab you, nothing will!  What a sweet comfort as I thought over this image.  We have all experienced that sensation of transformation from the depths of sleep to the awareness of still being alive.  The journey from sleep to awake is timeless.  Only if we dream are we aware of our state of sleep.  Then the shutters are raised as our eyelids pop open and we are still here--in our bed--ready to experience yet another day.  OH, the joy we will feel as our eyes close that last time to "wake up" in the presence of a Holy God and His Son who gave His all for us.  NO--none of us get out of this alive--but we have the promise of waking eternally in the next moment.  What a comfort!

"My Father's house has many rooms

if that were not so,

would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

And if I go and prepare a place for you,

I will come back 

and take you to be with me 

that you also may be where I am."

John 14:2-3


  1. Beautifully said. As I approach Liam's 3-month anniversary, I am reminded of where he is...thank you Lulu.

  2. None of us do get out of this alive, but oh, what a better place we will see on the other side. Thanks for reminding us here, Lulu.

    1. More & more I look forward to Heaven,

  3. Those God Nudges are all around us ... thanks for the reminder to wake up and allow ourselves to see what He's inviting us to.

    1. We become so easily distracted, Linda!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!