Ten days in bed ill and another week trying to get going again after Thanksgiving threw a serious kink in my Christmas preparations.  FINALLY I have the halls decked and most of the gifts here--but not wrapped.  NOW I have spent a great deal of time reminding us all that we need to focus on

And YES---we need for Jesus to be our primary focus, but we also enjoy the celebration with family and friends this time of the year brings.  For many--this is the one time a year they are all together.  As with any important celebration in life, we want to put our best foot forward as we prepare to celebrate and be together.

NOW---I do not go ALL out as I once did.  All out might be an understatement--it was more like overboard.  In an effort to make the celebration significant and meaningful for my family no tradition was left untouched.  NOW---truth in writing---perhaps my focus was skewed in the details.  Some of the things, which I felt made it all "perfect" are not even remembered by my offspring.    In retrospect---I have learned to not put so much pressure on myself.  It does make a great deal of difference, when no one else is counting on me to make their Christmas perfect.

So as we enter the final countdown leading up to Christmas---I am reminding myself and you too----keep it simple.  Playing a game together will bring many more memories than any gift under the tree to soon be forgotten.  Drinking a cup of chocolate while watching a favorite Christmas movie as a family  is a more important tradition than any gala celebration with rooms full of strangers.  Sometimes the best gifts are inexpensive--but lead to wonderful squeals of laughter and gayety.  I think of the year I gifted cotton snowballs and still smile over the ensuing snowball fights.  Slow down---savor being with those you love--and remember the reason.

"And so the angel said them,

 'Do not be afraid; for behold,

 I bring you good news of great joy.' "

Luke 2:10 

1 comment

  1. The happiest times I've ever spent are the simple ones, Lulu. And that goes for Christmas, too! Blessings!


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