Have you ever felt as if you had missed some of life's important moments because you felt the obligation--the need---the necessity to take care of business?  As I rolled this around in my head, I thought of holiday dinners.  Family and friends are gathered enjoying each other, dressed in their holiday finery, and laughing as they reminisce and catch up.  Someone has to be in the kitchen---making certain everything is done at the same time and loading the serving dishes.  You know the dinner will not magically appear unless someone is in the kitchen--and you have volunteered for the job.  Your gift to the others---staying behind the scenes and taking care of the business of putting the meal on the table as they all enjoy the day.

If you are not familiar with sheep farming, sheep are not the sharpest tack in the box.  They are temperamental and filled with anxiety over even a puff of wind.  You do not drive a flock of sheep quickly---they must be lead by someone they trust and they move at their own speed.  As I thought this over, it occurred to me that first Christmas night, after the angels' visit, the shepherds may well have decided to leave the herd behind in an effort to quickly find the babe.  Someone had to stay behind and guard the herd.  Someone had to stay behind and take care of their charges.  What must they have thought when the others returned with the good news of  what they had seen?  Did they hear their story with great joy or were they resentful that they had missed seeing the babe?  Could they be happy for the others and have a servant's heart?  OR would they spend the rest of  life regretting not going?

Our attitude ---is a direct reflection of our heart.  Are we willing to be the one behind the scenes so that others might experience the joy?  Do we unselfishly volunteer to stay behind or are we martyrs who constantly remind the others of our sacrifice?  Our attitude is a mirror image of our reasons for staying behind---being in the background--taking care of business.  

I pray we might all have a servant's heart this Christmas and remember Who was the greatest servant of all.  May we all reflect the love, sacrifice, and servanthood of the babe who was born on that day.  May we willingly serve with a heart of joy.

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,

but to serve,

and to give His life as a ransom for many."

Mark 10:45


  1. These are such good questions to ponder, Lulu, as we prepare our hearts fully for Christmas. Are we serving, or are we asking to be served?


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!