If you have ever flown, you understand what happens when you fly up through the clouds.  It can be a perfectly gray day here on terra firm, and once we fly through the cloud cover---we are surrounded by clear sunny skies.  It is truly a beautiful sight---once you suffer through the heart dropping trauma of flying through that cloud cover.  

Why is the ride so bumpy when flying through the clouds?  OF COURSE--I asked Dr. Google and here is his explanation~

1.  The density of the clouds is different from the density of the surrounding air.  This creates a "pothole" effect in the sky.

2.  Air mixing---the temperature, pressure and velocity of air within clouds can differ from the outside air, causing unstable mixing.  This mixing creates updrafts and downdrafts, which can cause the lift on an aircraft's wings to change rapidly and unpredictably.

3. Storm clouds which grow rapidly can push air away, creating waves in the atmosphere.

Your welcome for today's educational points.  While this is certainly interesting, how in the world could it pertain to our faith?  

While we are under the clouds, I began to realize the cloud cover acts as a curtain.  We are trapped in the gray with little light filtering through the clouds.  Gray days---are not just physical.  Lately I have been trapped under a cloud of anxiety over things beyond my control which has led to a bout of low grade depression (a genetic predisposition--remember I come from a long line of depressed people) .  These clouds have thickened to the point--that I sometimes forget the sunshine on the other side of them.  When life has us under clouds of doubt and apprehension, those clouds are a deterrent to the light we so desperately need.  The only way to get through those clouds is to ride out the turbulence so that we may break out of the gray and once again see the sunlight.  The spiritual sonlight which is always there, but not visible because of our focus on the clouds of doubt.  Here is to breaking through the clouds and living in the assurance of the light from above.  

"This is the message we have heard from Him

and proclaim to you,

that God is light,

and in Him is no darkness at all."

I John 1:5


  1. Another terrific analogy, Lulu. Whether we can see the sun or not, we know it is still shining. We may not always feel God's presence, but when we believe in Him, we can rest assured He is there.

  2. I have seasonal depression in September! It is a thing!! Typically I withdraw from society and wait for it to run its course. And then comes October and its beautiful days! So, I understand the gray days of life when we forget that God is faithful and sometimes mull around in our self pity. What a glorious God who is always there and just waiting for us to break thru the gloom! Wonderful analogy today, Loralu ❤️


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!