Let me begin by saying- I know just enough about technology to be dangerous and this is definitely a first world problem.  Somehow I have managed to switch my Facebook page on my computer to the language of Portuguese.  NOW---here is the problem---I write my blog on my computer--and certainly do not try to type all of this on my cell phone.  BUT, when I try to look at Facebook to respond to your comments while using the computer it is in Portuguese.  HOW IN THE WORLD DID I MANAGE TO DO THAT????  I did it a LONG time ago--and have finally figured out a few months ago how to have it all translated to English.  BUT though that helps--it is NOT fixing the core problem.  I need to find the switch to flip this back to English.  NOW in my defense---I have checked my settings---not only on Facebook, but on my search engines also.  I strongly suspect it is a computer problem--BUT for the life of me---I cannot get back to English.  Most days--I am too busy or distracted to fool with it---BUT when I do--it can eat away a couple of hours.  I am literally running in circles looking for the answer.  The basic problem--the core of my dilemma--is my lack of technical knowledge.  Since I have a way to have it translated, I have become satisfied and content with getting by.   I know just enough to get by and am guilty of speeding through things without reading the book and end up getting myself into a deep hole.  

My brother, who is the computer genius of the family,  told me a long time ago, there were hackers in the world who knew only enough to change things around on the computer.  The problem though was they did not follow the guidelines in how changes need to be made and often made changes--no one could figure out how to fix once the hacker was out of the picture.  I am guilty of being a hacker---lacking formal education, stubborn to a fault about reading manuals, I can manage to get myself in a self created quagmire.  All because I do not know enough about the subject matter.  I call myself a writer---and yet refuse to learn the correct usage of the tools of my hobby.  What can I expect---but to be unintentionally using a language I cannot understand.  

Circle up---here is the point of this ramble----how many of us call ourselves Believers, yet do not read the manual?  How many of us are too busy -too distracted- and know just enough to be dangerous.   Do we call ourselves experts, but yet do not know the language of Belief?  One thing I have learned on my journey to sanctification---God is infinitely broader than I can even begin to understand.  I could study all day--every day---and never truly understand the depths of God.  When I think of the times I have pulled scripture out of context, I cringe.  How many times have I mislead someone--because of my lack of knowledge about the things of God?   Are we always searching for a true picture of who God is?  Are we reading His manual, listening to His teachers, and willing to discuss the mysteries of the faith?  If an unbeliever asks you questions, can you adequately give a correct answer?  Daunting when we consider the great commission and our responsibility. 

"And Jesus had greeted them again, he said,
'I am sending you,
just as the Father has sent me.' "
John 20:21


  1. Knowing just enough to be dangerous - ouch! You really hit home with this one, Lulu. We must never think we have all the answers, especially when it comes to spreading the Good News to others. Let us humble ourselves before the Lord.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!