My daily walk with Hero always allows time for thought since he has to stop and smell every interesting smell we walk by. Some days it can be an exercise in frustration and my patience can be stretched thin. Today----he caused me to ponder that body part---which I spend a great deal of time blowing this time of the year. I really do not realize I have gone through a faze of LESS allergies until the real full blown season is upon me. I am back to carrying a Kleenex everywhere I go and having to deal with occasionally forgetting to get them out of my pocket when washing clothes. THAT IS ANNOYING!
Today as we walked and I watched him grab on to a scent and literally sniff the green off the grass, I began to think about smells and our noses. Obviously, I cannot smell the scents Hero does with his super power of smell. I do have a fairly sensitive sense of smell. Nothing can send me out of a room faster than something stinky. You have to admit---our noses garner much attention. Think of all the nose phrases~
Nose First, Nose Dive, Up to My Nose, Keep Your Nose Clean, No Skin Off My Nose, Rub Your Nose In It, A Nose For Something, Nose In The Air, Look Down Your Nose, Nose Out of Joint, Nose To The Grindstone, On The Nose, Pay Through The Nose, Right Under Your Nose, Lead By The Nose, Not See Beyond Your Nose, Powder Your Nose, Stick Your Nose In, Turn Up Your Nose and on and on
Obviously we hold noses in high regard. I come from a long line of people with BIG noses. Does this mean we smell things better? Does it make us more prone to nose problems? Do we follow our nose into the room? There was even a "nose sock" we created and gifted and re-gifted over the years. Why we have even made an effort to measure noses to see who won the Big Nose Contest. Obviously our noses are the center of the face---and some of you have tiny noses which are barely noticed. I really do not understand how you get a good breath. Others have "classic noses"----What is a classic nose anyway? If I had my preference---I would like a nose that worked well, but did not create any problems and, preferably, was not noticed when you gazed at me. OBVIOUSLY, I do not get my preferences----Thanks to Daddy. We all inherited Daddy's nose.
Then there are the smells our nose allows us to enjoy---I think of the smell after a rain shower, the beach and the ocean, a garden filled with blooms, freshly mowed grass, a pot of chili on the stove, a cup of freshly brewed coffee, cookies baking in the oven, a steak on the grill (how I miss that smell!--no red meat--cholesterol raiser), a real wood fire burning, a sweet baby's head, a dirty little boy (girls do no have the same smell), and on and on. I can get a whiff of one of the familiar smells I associate with good memories and my mind is off to the races with reminiscing. What a gift our noses are---what a gift to have a sense of smell---what a miracle of creation. AND you tell me there is NO GOD---the God of Creation---the Master Architect of our world---Who gave us a beautiful gift in the Creation and the senses within us to enjoy His creation . I AM SO THANKFUL!
"If our bodies were only an eye,
we couldn't hear a thing.
And if they were only an ear,
we couldn't smell a thing.
But God has put all parts of our body together
in the way that He decided is best."
I Corinthians 12:17-18
Yes, our sense of smell can evoke some of our strongest memories, both good and bad. And although my nose isn't large, I really can smell fine, although I wish that I had inherited more of a pronounced one. Oh, well, what can we do about genetics? Oh, and I always have a tissue in my pocket and kick myself when I let them go through the wash - lol! Blessings, Lulu!
ReplyDeleteMy mother always had a tissue in her pocket---and there are days I realize---I have become my mother!
DeleteBlessings, Martha!