Yesterday we talked of the lilies and how they propagate by growing additional bulbs~ which a new lily will sprout from.  These bulbs are not all connected, but instead break off to form individual plants.  Thus I will have a lily sprout up a foot from the bed of lilies---probably starting from a bulb which was inadvertently thrown by the mower or my spade.  A genius plan of nature to insure the continuation of the species.

Vail, Colorado at a Sweet Friend's Wedding

The photo above was taken in October at the peak of the Aspen turning season when attending a destination wedding.  It was quite the sight to behold!  "Most aspens grow in large clonal colonies, derived from a single seedling, and spread by means of root suckers."  We see the same thing here in the deep south in a much smaller version with crepe myrtle trees.  These trees are all connected to the primary source of one tree.  An interesting fact for you is that you can tell by the color of the turning leaf which colony they belong to.  They are not really very hardy trees (Interestingly enough--neither are crepe myrtles), but ensure the continuation of the colony by continuing to put off shoots for new trees.  You normally find them in the same area as coniferous trees as evidenced by all the green in the above photo.  They are able to survive in the cold harsh climate because their bark is photosynthetic which allows growth after the leaves have dropped (thus the light colored bark). " The colony is made up of trees with a life span of 40-150 years, but the root system is long lived--in some cases for thousands of years."  Another marvel of creation----with such a beautiful master plan for survival.  Who could ever doubt there is a Master Gardener looking at the complexity of nature.

Once again---we are shown how God created with an attention to detail.  Could we ever doubt He has a plan when we take the time to look around us and study the details?  God not only created it all---but He declared it GOOD.  It is good--until man comes along and messes it up.  Think that over today as you notice the world around you.  We were given a beautiful world to live in---and what did we do?

"It is time to destroy everyone

who has destroyed the earth."

Revelations 11:18


  1. God is most definitely in the details, Lulu. Let us take the time to recognize Him in all His creation and give Him the praise and the glory. Blessings!

  2. You and I both would rather be outdoors, except in the hot summer, where we enjoy God’s glory and His goodness. It is all around us if we but take the time to look and ponder. Miss you❤️


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!