I am writing this on Halloween and I have been tricked.  (Always writing ahead so I can review and correct)   Today is the day for my annual mammogram.  NOW if there EVER was a dirty trick---it's having a mammogram.  WHO came up with this as being a good Idea?  NOW---I am thankful and know many lives have been saved by this test, BUT---could they not figure out a less painful way?  Imagine if all men had to have a certain part of their anatomy placed in a vise and not just squeezing, but cranking it down until it was flat as a pancake.    Then told to hold your breath while they make the picture.  They would have invented a better way pronto--in fact--they can take a simple blood test along with their other annual blood work and be done.  To add insult to injury, the radiologist then sends you a letter disclaiming ALL responsibility if they happen to miss a warning sign.  It turns out that is ALL the fault of the woman---she dared to have dense tissue.  WELL as you can tell, this is not my favorite day of the year.  The only thing I can think of that is worse is the colonoscopy.  When I had my last one done--post 70---I told the doctor I was D O N E.  From  now on I will just take my chances!  YES---I AM A GROUCHY OLD WOMAN!

That's me and all my density--far right!

WHERE could I possibly be going?  What if we had an annual checkup on our spiritual health?  What would your results look like?  Would you be the sparkling vision of health or the reflection of someone to dense to trust and obey?  Just saying!!!!  AND YES, I can pretty much take anything and write a post--LOL!

"Healthy people don't need a doctor,

but sick people do."

Matthew 9:12


1 comment

  1. I hate having to have my yearly mammography, too. So glad it's already done and all is clear. Colonoscopy? I've been so blessed to be able to use the Cologuard test at home, so I haven't had to undergo the "real thing." I will take your message to heart, Lulu, about doing my spiritual checkup. It's been a tough year, but it sure has brought me to God in prayer. Blessings!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!