When Hero and I headed out for our early morning walk this morning, the temperature was the high for the day.  That seldom happens.  As I sit here drinking my latte (I've become quite good at making those treats), the wind is howling.  I stepped out and immediately noticed a big drop in the temperature.  The wind is scheduled to blow almost all day--and the temperature will continue to drop.  There will be an over 20 degree fall as the day progresses and by our walk tomorrow AM--it will be almost 30 degrees cooler than this morning's walk.  The temperature is falling---winter is sticking its head out---ready or not--change is coming.  One thing you can absolutely count on is things are NOT going to remain the same.

At this point in life, I check every morning to make certain my heart is still ticking---my peer group is beginning to dwindle at an alarming rate.  That would be a BIG change if I discovered my ticker had stopped ticking.  My physical being is certainly changing---wrinkles, sags, white (Not Gray) hair have been a sign of my body changing.  LONG GONE are those days of the  intense exercise I once participated in.  How I spend my time has changed---no longer on the "work treadmill"---I have instead created a new job in taking care of my house and garden.  Once I had no leisure time---that has changed to too much leisure some days---I can become downright lazy when I pick up a good book.  If you think back over your life and consider all the changes, it seems we have rapidly morphed into who we are today because of on-going change.  The thing about change--is we do not actually know where that change is going to take us--until we have gone through the change and are standing on the other side.  It is a slow slide into the unknown of the future.

One thing never changes---God.  He never changes---He is immutable---He cannot change.  The description of Who God is contained in The Word---He will never change---no matter what the winds of time bring.  He will NEVER be less than He is now.


"I am the Lord,

I change not."

Malachi 3:6


  1. So true, Lulu. We are in the same boat when it comes to the slippery slope of change. I'm so thankful our loving God is immutable. Blessings!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!