THEN as if that were NOT enough----Helen turns on slow country music---about a man and his woman---love you till I die---hold you close in my dreams---you're the one for me--achingly beautiful while I finish up preparing dinner.
THIS IS EXACTLY what anyone alone needs to do with their afternoon--a not so gentle reminder that you are dancing alone--for an encore--I will be banging my head against a brick wall--JUST IN CASE--I didn't experience enough pain this afternoon!
As my friend---Glenda asked when I went to a chick flick---"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!" This is NOT the way to become accustomed to being alone!
Bleh. Rom coms are the worst kind of lies. No allusions to the amount of work and heartbreak required for a healthy relationship. I honestly think chick flicks are one of the worst things about our culture. They set us up to believe our lives should match some perfect ideal. :( Needing to focus on God's truth instead! Not what culture tells me! Love you!