I might have been guilty of riding on the coattail of another's renown.  Slipping through the door--hopefully unnoticed---standing at the edge of the spotlight trying to claim a spot of glory -- because of who or what I know.

I am a huge fan of the Williams Sisters----have watched them play tennis for years---been there through thick and thin with them---admired their talent--sat on the edge of my seat cheering them on.  This should allow me entrance into all of the world's great tennis clubs.   The cold hard fact is that I do not even play tennis. I KNOW THEM---but sadly they do not know me. 

There is a long wonderful list of music on my play list.  I know all the words to each and everyone of those songs.  I sing loudly and heartily--accompanying the talented artist with the best of my ability.  I follow their careers, watch for new recordings, attend their concerts---become a part of their groupies. For some reason, they do not send me backstage passes--no front row seat-- I know them all well---but they do not know me.

There is a story in Acts of impostors trying to use and steal the spotlight using others' gifts as if they owned them---the Seven sons of Sceva.  In an attempt to banish evil spirits using the name of Jesus---as they had heard Paul did, they were reprimanded by an evil spirit---

"Jesus, I know and Paul, I know about,
Acts 19:18

The word tells us even Satan acknowledges who God is--and the Son of God--the Blessed Redeemer---but having the head knowledge and bowing before Him are two different things.  We are not allowed a VIP pass into eternity without the badge of Redeemed around our neck. A badge with a huge cost-but freely given to us by a simple prayer---It is never too late--do not chance the cost of being asked-------WHO ARE YOU?

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
James 2:19


  1. Satan indeed knows Christ..our former pastor use to say, "Christians need to be fully armored up and know the word, because a non Christian knows it better than you! "--if you really think about it, it is very true. It troubles me to no end how people in general can not accept Christ's salvation..nor do they understand how simple it is. Thanks for another great post. Blessings

    1. Yes, Linda---a scripture out of context can be thrown in your face and without Biblical knowledge---Satan will allow the Non-Believer to think "They Won" BUT Jesus in His own right needs no defense---Read the last Chapters---HE WINS! Love your comments! Blessings to you, Friend!

  2. ... so grateful , so unworthy for the badge ...

    1. Yes, Linda---the true definition of "gift"!

  3. Hi Lulu, I'm visiting from Linda's Creekside Ministries and am so glad to meet you. It's funny how we think we know entertainers, athletes... on a personal level sometimes. "The badge of Redeemed around our neck" is so much better than any VIP pass could ever be. Thanks for this important reminder!

    1. Well Candace, thanks for coming by AND ANY FRIEND of Linda is my friend as well---you need NO further credentials! Blessings!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!