The little grands have been ducks since their earliest introduction to the water.  No fear would be an understatement when it comes to their approach to the swimming pool.  The two year old is still required to wear a puddle jumper, but for his own protection.  There is nothing he will not try, once he has seen the brothers do it.  He saw his mother stand on her hands in the pool and immediately tried to do the same.  It looked like a duck’s tail sticking out of the water to see his feet in the air while still floating.  Their early and consistent exposure to the pool has made for good swimmers who are comfortable in the water.

Photo Credit:Allyson Abril

My daddy built a swimming pool when I was in early elementary school.  The nearest swimming pool was 20 minutes from the small town I grew up in which limited our exposure to swimming.  Most of the swimming in those days took place in ponds and rivers, which you shared with the water moccasins.  Needless to say, Momma was not thrilled with the muddy water or the snakes, so I had limited swimming exposure.

After the pool was built that was remedied.  Unfortunately, I had already learned a healthy fear of the water.  I spent my swimming time in the shallow end or clinging to the side in the deep end.  I missed out on a lot of the fun because I was afraid and unable to swim.

Daddy gave me some time, and watched me as I played in the water.  The day finally came when he threw me in the deep end and it was sink or swim.  In his defense, the pool was probably only about 20 feet wide and 7 feet deep.  He was standing right there, and would not let me drown.  There is nothing like the shock of no concrete under your feet to teach you how to swim.  I made it to the side, and thus began my lifelong love of swimming.

While thinking over how I learned to swim, I wondered how often we are clinging to the safety of the side in life.  Hesitant to take a leap into the unknown, and clinging to the safety of the edge of living, what are we missing?  When we allow fear to rule our hearts and forget to trust our Life Guard, what life changing experiences are we missing?  Relationships are not pursued, service opportunities missed, moments of worship are passed over, and mission trips avoided—because we remain in our comfort zones.

There is no need for this spirit of fear.  God has given us the ability to conquer our fears and live life abundantly.  All it takes is turning to Him and admitting our weakness and allowing His Holy Spirit to fill us with courage.  I am reminding myself—do not miss out—instead step out—and live life to the fullest.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7


  1. Great story/analogy, I learned to swim when my dad threw us in Lake Michigan. Thanks for sharing, have a lovely Tuesday. Blessings

    1. Now THAT might have frightened me!
      Blessings , Sweet Friend

  2. Fear can be really crippling both in real life and in our Faith life. You've written a wonderful post here Lulu. Thank you.

    God bless you always.

    1. Yes, Victor, we stand and stare-unable to move--and the only anti-dote is courage from Him!
      Thank you for always being encouraging, My Friend!

  3. This post is apropos for our family. We're dealing with a sadness right now. Hubby's 23 yr old nephew has been so sheltered all his life I fear it's made him mentally ill. He's become delusional because of his over protective parents and seeks "comfort" from the internet. I really think that's dangerous. I could go into more detail, but not here. :) I don't know if he can be (physically) saved or not. Prayers are greatly appreciated. Thanks. ~:)


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