Kara Tippetts, author of the book The Hardest Place, spoke of the unexpected in her book.  A great description of our plan taking a detour down The Road of Surprise.

Photo Credit-Courtney Wilson

There have been really--really wonderful unexpected's in my life.  Finding out I was "with child" when baby number three came along was unexpected (why was I surprised when I knew I had been exposed).  I could not talk about being pregnant for a month after finally determining why I felt like I was dying.  What a blessing that unexpected was AND to cap it off--after two boys~ a daughter.  She is a bright spot almost everyday for me!  In our mature mother-daughter relationship, she makes me laugh, encourages me, cries with me, speaks of God with me, shares her children with me,  and loves me well.  WHAT A GIFT--UNEXPECTED!

Tara is speaking of those HARD unexpected's.  My biggest hard unexpected came with the end of my marriage.  I never dreamed this unexpected would come my way.  To say I was devastated would be a huge understatement.  It was a life changing unexpected.  The death of my daddy when I was 14 was a hard unexpected.  What child thinks their parent is going to die?  I remember the day my momma told me daddy was dying in a moment of frustration.  Those moments when we are slapped in the face with the unexpected are never forgotten.  While reading Kara's book, I thought of the many hard unexpected's most are faced with at some point in life--we are floating along and WHAM--the hard unexpected.

Why would God allow these hard unexpected's in the lives of those He has called His Beloved?  I choose to believe it is for His good purpose.  In my case,one reason was to pull me into a closer relationship with Him --both times.   He woes us in our agony, calls to us in our grief, and faithfully loves us when all else seems lost.  When all is right with my world, I begin to become complacent in my quest to know Him better.  Why I even begin to think I deserve the good life.  What I deserve and how He blesses me are as far as the east is form the west.  In my utter desperation, I not only turned, but ran to Him.

So--as with Kara--we are given the opportunity to choose how we deal with the hard unexpected's.  If we are grieving, are we able to grow in our grief?  If suffering from the pain of illness-whether terminal or acute, are we able to allow others to serve and minister to us?  Are we able to accept the unexpected as God's will, for surely nothing occurs without passing through His hand?  Are we able to look beyond our own pain, grief, loss, agony and accept God's plan being better than our own?  Tough--tough questions!  My answer was to tell Him, "I cannot do this!  Help me!"  Remembering his eternal vision and view of the big picture---it is an act of faith---to live and believe even in the "HARD UNEXPECTED", He is present.

And Jesus said-
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33


  1. I think....it is ok to cry out in frusteration, grief, whatever. He already knows what we're thinking/feeling. Great post, Lulu. Always uplifting and always thought provoking. Have a beautiful Wednesday. Blessings

    1. He is a BIG God & He can take it, right, Linda!
      Blessings, Friend!

  2. Let me tell you of 3 unexpected:

    Once there was a young boy well loved by his father. So much so that his brothers grew so jealous that they sold him as a slave and told the father that he was dead. I think you know the rest of Joseph's story.

    There was another man who fell off his horse and became blind for a while. His unexpected made him totally reliable on others. You also know the story of Paul.

    God allowed both these men's unexpected turn to the good for many others.

    A relative of mine was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. The whole family was devastated. In hospital he met another patient with similar symptoms. The doctors did not hold much hope for either. The other patient was young and totally distraught and terrified of his situation. He did not believe in God or anything. My relative spent time with him and in conversation mentioned God and said: Don't worry. All will be well.

    After treatment both patients survived against the odds. The other patient and his family became Christians as a result.

    God used my relative's unexpected for the good of someone else.

    Don't worry about tomorrow. God has already been there.

    God bless you, Lulu.

    1. Great examples of the unexpected & never worry about the typing, Victor- our brains are trained to read what you intended. For instance woe for woo in my post-did not bother to correct - knew you all understood !

  3. Hi Lulu! I agree with Victor. All the 'hard unexpecteds' are already known by the Lord. But that information doesn't always help me in the moment. I have a lot of spiritual growing up to do, that's for sure. I have cried and asked 'why' in many areas of my life. It doesn't change the situation much, but I guess it helps me communicate my feelings, and grab on to God (as you mentioned).

    Faith is a hard thing, but it's the only thing. It's the only thing that keeps me hanging on in those hard times.
    May you be blessed in a powerful way today!

    1. Bless You, Ceil! We are on for next week probably Tuesday & I do not need a thing! Wifi down AGAIN! Groan!

  4. OMGosh, you've put a finger on something that's been bugging me for awhile. I haven't felt like praying (!!!!???) or talking to God lately and I couldn't figure out why. I think I'm suddenly for the first time ever feeling old and I'm down-and-out about it. I know, it's not a biggy but it's buggin' me. Very unlike me to turn away from Him that loves me so much. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Great post. ((Hugs)) ~:)

    1. Be sure & read tomorrow's post, Sparky! Thanks Friend, it never ceases to amaze me how many of us are in the same page! God is a really BIG God!
      Hugs back to you !


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!