During my hiatus from Facebook for a few weeks, I breathed a sigh of relief.  It had not occurred to how defeating it was to read all of your posts and wonder--"Why not me?".  I came back from that break with a new perspective on social media--and a pledge to be a truth teller--not a fantasy spinner.

Take for instance this picture I posted recently-

I put some really cute comment about hiding under trundle along with it and you all commented with my sought after response of how cute those boys are --and if not that--at least a "Like".  What I didn't post a picture of was the condition of the room house after these two spent the night with me.  Suffice it to say---nothing was in its place and this picture was made immediately after they used the two beds as spring boards.  All I wanted you to see---though---was my precious grands--not the mess surrounding enjoying those boys for a night.

We all are guilty of posting only the best moments---the times we look the best---those hallmark/family album scenes--the successes--the all-star moments.  I don't really think it is intentional--for truthfully I  don't think you would be very interested in my messy moments.  Those times when I am sitting on the couch--sans makeup--messy hair day--old work out clothes---chomping on Cheetos and scarfing down a DP.  I try to not look in the mirror during those times--much less immortalize the memory on the WWW.  I want you to see the "Yard of the Month", but not the neglected garden pictures.  If I don't really want to remember those times, why would I put it out for you to know what my life really looks like?  It can be messy----very messy.

When glancing at the picture above, you have visions of sweet boys who love their Lulu and relish giving her hugs and sitting in her lap.  There is no indication of their willful disobedience at times--the struggle we have getting them to shut their eyes at night--the half eaten lollipop left on the best table--the spilled drink on the rug---and my harsh tone to get them in line.  It all looks wonderful through the lens of the camera---the 24/7 video might cloud this illusion of perfection I have so carefully crafted.

The problem for all of us arises when we glance at those photos and posts and forget the picture may not be as it seems.  During those years my children were growing up, I always laughed when we got to church that I had almost lost my religion getting them there.  We walked in the perfect picture of a family of God---our hair all done, our clothes clean and pressed, our shoes shined, and our faces smiling with a Bible in our hands--while the truth was it would have been easier to herd cats in a room full of rocking chairs.  Tempers had been lost, tears had fallen and many times clothes had to be changed at the last second---in an effort to have the appearance of perfection.  It was NOT perfect--FAR from it.

So today when I look at your kodak moment posts, I remember there are REAL people behind those smiles.  Real people--who live real lives--and have real disappointments along with the pictorial display of perfection.  Life is NOT perfect---we all act not so nice at times---our children "have their moments"---and right before the picture was snapped--one of those in the picture might have snapped.  Looks can be deceiving but life is revealing---always take the picture with a grain of salt and remember there is more to life than what is revealed by the camera lens.  

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
II Corinthians 10:12


  1. Are you calling me a fantasy spinner, Lulu? I posted about my family recently and I got the impression you did not believe me. Well ... at least all of my family believed me and now they are not speaking to me any more.

    Whatever pictures you post, Lulu, or whatever you say; one thing is apparent. That is that you love your family dearly and they love and appreciate you too. What more can one want? Imagine my family not speaking to me any more!

    God bless you and your whole family.

    1. Victor, your story telling abilities are beyond compare! As for your family---I would bet money they all adore you and your great sense of humor! Yes--I love them dearly---and yes--they continue to put up with me~
      Blessings, Friend!

  2. I like when people keep it real. A steady stream of Hallmark moments do nothing but set us up for disappointment and comparison and resentment.

    Pass the Cheetos, please ... and do you have a caffeine-free Pepsi? I don't want to get too wired!


    1. Did you see the movie where Jack Nicholson played a Marine base commander, "A Few Good Men"? I love this line from it-"You can't handle the truth!" Perhaps our aversion to avoiding truth is precisely that---we can't handle it and really don't know what to do with it--so we stick our heads in the sand and ignore it.

      I now live the truth, Linda. I spent far too many years sugar coating reality which was a huge drain physically as well as emotionally. It has been quite freeing to finally live the truth!

      Blessings, Friend!

    2. My grandfather ... he failed his final Dental Exams at University. His professor told him : "You can't handle the tooth!"

      God bless.

  3. You know that I love this and am thankful that you "put" it out there!!! It took me a while to come around to your clearer way of looking at fb and now I can enjoy it for what it is. But, here is another thing for you to chew on. God is good All the time!! Not only when we are cured of cancer or our child has gotten a fantabulous job or gotten married, He is good in those bad times as well. When we have to take the consequences of the wrong choices we have made or the devil fooling us, He is still in there making good out of it. He can be no other way!!! But let's praise Him for all of it!! IF we only say He is good when something wonderful happens to us, does that mean He is bad when horrible things happen?

    1. Completely agree- as we studied Gods attributes we found He is good & He is unchangable-was - is - and always will be Who is is- and that includes good! ALL things work for good for those that love the Lord & are called according to His purpose.

  4. Still laughing at your Cheetos and Doctor Pepper. Glad you can't see me what I look like sitting here watching TV, with my aged jammies and sipping on ice tea. :)
    Yet another reason why I left FB ... for good. Not only isn't anything "real", it seems as if one says something just not quite right (i.e., not the 'right' tone), prepare for a load of vitriol to be thrown one's way. Cheese and crackers! I don't have time for that. The only social media worthwhile is blogging and possibly Twitter, but only for the news links.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

    1. You know what I like about you, Sparky--you tell it like it is. No sugar coating--no second guessing--you put your cards on the table and don't flinch. GOOD FOR YOU!
      Blessings, Friend!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!