One of the things I have discovered in my old age--is the "Memory of the 5 senses" are much more reliable than the video replays of my mind. My memory is excellent when it is associated with taste, smell, sound, sight, or feel. The five senses have long standing memories--which can be pulled to the top of the memory pile with the mere glimpse of remembrance of some long ago awakening of one of those senses.
A few months after my dad died, I had my first stark reminder of how my sense memory works. It was late in the evening, and all the family were in their bedrooms reading--as was our before bed practice. I had my door shut, to the long hall leading from my brothers' room to my parents'--with my room in the very middle. From out of the blue--with no prompting--I heard my daddy's footsteps go down the hall. He had a very distinct foot fall--which I had heard over and over during my childhood---and it was not mistaking---I heard his footfall. Something that night---consciously or sub-consciously had brought to surface the memory of his footsteps--and my mind replayed that memory. I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe in the power of the human mind. I heard---in my mind---daddy walking down that hall for the last time that night when my memory was stirred.
I can walk into a room with a fire blazing and immediately replay thousands of fires I have enjoyed over the years with one whiff of that wood smoke. One of my favorite memories beginning as a child--up until selling the house my children were raised in---was sitting in front of that fire and watching the flames tickle the logs as the smoke curled up the chimney. I am instantly transported back to the fires of my youth and most of my adult life when I walk into a room with a wood fire burning. Scene upon scene unfolds with the unlocking of those memories by the smell of a cool evening's fire.
Recently I had a dream---a touch which I had experienced thousands of times in my life--was in the dream. The familiarity of the touch---the sameness of the repeated motion leading to that touch---pulled from the deep recesses of my mind a memory I have been trying to leave behind. I awoke from the dream with the warmth of the imprint from that touch still apparent, and was reminded of the memories which will not be denied by my desire to forget.
The human mind is an amazing thing---far more complex than any scientist can begin to explain. Oh--he can tell us which part of the brain controls what--but he cannot explain the complexity of God's creation--when He gave us not only a brain--but a mind.
We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made---all for God's good purpose---how amazing it is the triggers that pull long hidden memories from the deep recesses of our minds. It gives us a glimpse of how truly vast our God is--when we consider the wonders of the complexities of our minds--which pale when compared to the vastness of our God.
There is none like You, O LORD; You are great, and great is Your name in might.
Jeremiah 10:6
This article raises a number of questions, Lulu. I'll voice only one.
ReplyDeleteWhen we remember passed events, music, tastes, smells of log fires or whatever ... what is it that brings this passed occurences back to life? Where are they stored anyway, to be brought back to life again? Are they in our mind, (whatever that is), in our brain, (a mixture of water, nerves and fat?), or in our very soul? Is that where the memories abide as they become part of our very beings?
Someone famous, (it wasn't me), once said: You don't have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body.
God bless.
Profound- Friend- since the eternal part of is is our soul-perhaps the storage vault is there- another of God's mysteries.
DeleteBlessings, Friend!
Oh yes, Lulu ... I'm hearing my dad's voice joining in occasional phone conversations with my mom. See him walk around the corner to fool around with the thermostat or crank up the music. It's only been 3 months since he left, but he's still very much present.
ReplyDeleteMay those sweet memories comfort you as you remember his physical presence, Dear Friend!
Hi Lulu! I so agree with your thoughts about our senses and our memories. When I smell a wood fire, I always think of camping, such lovely memories. I don't know how it works either, but it is a wonder. I don't dream much (that I remember) but I will think of my mom at times like shopping (which she loved) and in the family rituals that are so dear to my heart. I thank God for those times, because it makes me realize that she is with me always in the things I do, see and remember.
God's gift to us-the ability to recall those sweet times & fondly remember those so dear to us. Thank you for your comment & sweet memory-
DeleteBlessings, Friend!
My very wise second step-mother once stated she believed that with a little effort we can remember everything, and once something is seen it can not be unseen. I think there must be something to that. Although, if the Lord tarries and I'm not called Home for awhile, I pray that I can forget this current Administration. What a nightmare these past 7+ years will have been.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I like that "we are a soul, we have a body." I like to tell people I'm only renting while on Earth. One day the rented body will rest and I will go live in the house of the Lord forever because of His grace.
Hope your day is blessed. ~:)
I agree with your step mother--I am certain the files are there--accessing them is a problem! Yes--there are times we would prefer to forget--but thankfully--we SHOULD learn from all experiences! Our good friend, Victor, has wise words for us today!
DeleteBlessings, Friend!
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