I spent a couple of hours recently watching episodes of "Tiny Houses".  Intrigue was my take away.

Photo Credit-Lucia @Guruphotos

There is a movement afoot among many to minimize the stuff in their lives.  I have done that very thing, but it was more like being dragged whining and moaning than choosing to downsize.

I must admit--it has been freeing.  But as I watched this series, I thought of how little storage tiny homes have--and how little room to enjoy community.  There is a lot to be said for having a minimum number of dishes--pots & pans--towels--and even clothes.  After all how many outfits can you wear at one time?  And the concept of everything having a dual purpose is extremely efficient.

And the thought of being able to pull up stakes and live in a wide assortment of places has a great deal of appeal.  I did notice in the picture above---they still have a u haul---I assume full of stuff.  Perhaps it is bicycles, kayaks, camping equipment---toys necessary to live the adventurous life.  AH--but where are they going to put that stuff?

The authors of books telling us how to achieve this minimalist life style have exploded.  I assume they MUST all be for your Kindle or computer---since you CERTAINLY will not have room for a bunch of books in this world of less.

One of the most interesting points of the entire process was listening to the priorities of each home builder.  One couple had 4 (FOUR) cats that did not get along and needed separate space and entertainment such as scratching posts and swinging bridges for their fur menagerie.  Another couple owned a 145 pound St Bernard---who needed to be able to climb up the ladder and sleep with them.  And then there was the woman who HAD to have her clothes--and a walk in closet---so 1/3 of her total space was dedicated to her wardrobe.  These houses ranged from 150 Sq Ft. to 400 Sq Ft., and the process of determining the musts was fascinating.  With limited space--you quickly learn what has priority in your life.

This Minimalist Philosophy is fascinating and the more I read---the more I understand the growing trend among the young.  Today, while writing this, it occurred to me one of the true minimalist was Jesus.  I assume since he was a traveling preacher man---he only had what he could carry on his back.  He left his home and family and his things behind and spent his time and energy teaching - healing - counseling - loving and ultimately dying for us.  Possessions and worldly worth were not important to Him---man was.  

Perhaps we could all take a lesson from His life.  I am not telling you to give away all your worldly possessions, but instead do not become a slave to owning them.  I am saying we should all think before we obtain--consider what we already own and its necessity.  I went through my already pared down closet this weekend and once again found clothes I had not worn for a year.  It can sit in my closet or I could share with those who have so little.  One author declared our need of stuff comes out of the spirit of fear.  Many who were around for the Great Depression lived their lives as horders--which stemmed from the fear of having so little ever again.  

SO---rise above this spirit of fear---live beyond the need for more stuff--and search for the true priorities---that which is really important.

15 For the Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, “Father! my Father!”
Romans 8:15


  1. I think you talk a lot of sense here; and true, the need to hoard and collect stems from a fear of having nothing in the past. The problem is that society and consumerism encourages us to collect, hoard and spend spend spend. Fashion in clothing changes quickly and if I'm seen in last year's dress ... (I'd probably be arrested for cross-dressing) ... Also consider the music industry for example. Years ago, (I am told), we had black vinyl records, then we had plastic ones, then tape recorders, cassettes, CDs, DVDs, Blue ray, MP3 ... need I go on? You can't expect me to transfer all my old Country & Western records onto the latest system? So I buy them all over again instead.

    I agree with you about minimalism; but it's very difficult Lulu. I wouldn't know where to start if I were to go minimalist. On reflection ... I could get rid of the mother-in-law. Does this count?

    I remember in my youth when we had nothing. The house was so small that even the mice were hunch-backed. There was no room to swing a cat - so we swung the mice instead. We were so poor we could not even afford a toilet brush. We tied a hedgehog to a stick and used that instead.

    So you can understand my need to collect and hoard. Especially hedgehogs.

    God bless you Lulu. Another thought-provoking and serious post making a great point today.

    1. WELL--Victor--I was around for ALL those changes in the music industry. Interesting that my sons are now BACK to collecting vinyl records---something about the pureness of the sound. As I remember, if not handled with great care--the sound was scratchy quite often!
      As for hoarding---I never considered myself a hoarder until I watched this show and thought of the process of paring down to 400 sq ft. It is good to think over what we have and its importance!
      Blessings, Friend!

  2. Victor's comment has laughing out loud for sure. I never knew hedgehogs where so useful.
    My personal opinion about minimalism is a little bit of that goes a long way. Perhaps the trend springs from our overly electronic social media and how we've quit socializing face-to-face with others. It's kinda creepy, really. I much prefer a bit of homespun clutter, that smells of fresh baked cookies and talking to Grandma as we snap peas on the front porch. Much friendlier. It's easier to witness to others on a more personal basis when everything is 'turned off' too.
    Good post. Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

    1. My own children are "keepers", Sparky. That didn't get that gene from me---I come from a long line of de-clutter'ers. Whatever floats your boat! I couldn't agree more with you about social media taking the place of having a conversation! Sad--sad!
      Blessings, friend!

  3. Hi Lulu! I saw the episode with the huge dog! My husband loves that show. I never thought about the hospitality part of it though, that's a great point. (Although I did see one of the episodes where the owners insisted on a porch to host guests...)
    Personally, I think I would freak out in that close of a space. I need a little space and rambling room, if you know what I mean.
    But of course, the whole idea of cutting back is so important. Sometimes I look around this house and think "Do I even use half this stuff?" Of course, the answer is no. Well, maybe it's added insulation?

    1. Yes, I thought it was a little daunting also. Maybe a nice camp---but don't think I could live there 24/7!
      Blessings, Friend!

  4. I know someone who built a tiny house a year ago. It is a life style I could see her adapting to well, as a single woman with one cat, I believe. I do love pretty things, and strive to have pieces that bring joy to lift my spirit, instead of collecting for the sake of just having. I am blessed with personality that gets over-whelmed by stuff! Yet, if I need a stuff 'fix,' browsing a home store is great 'therapy!'

    1. Good solution, Lynn. I then get so over-whelmed I end up leaving the store empty handed!


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