If you have ever watched a baby, you know one of their first best friends is that face they see in the mirror.

As that sweetness gazes in the mirror, they slowly begin to realize there is someone here with me.  The fascination of sitting for long periods of time gazing at the other cute baby who mimics my every move--every expression is boundless.  Why else would so many new baby toys have mirrors?

As an amateur student of my fellow man, I believe we are created to be in relationships.  At times our brokenness causes an inability to have whole relationships, but the desire for them is proven by the continuous pursuit of some form of interaction--even at times unpleasant.  Even an unpleasant encounter is proof of our "being here"--for even a negative response is still a response.

Running this through my brain maze, it dawned upon me that our relationships here on this earth are often a reflection of the relationship between us and God.  I am wondering if He is teaching us who He is and how to interact with Him by giving us earthly relationships?  From our very first breath, we are seeking comfort and love.  In my case, that has never changed.  It has taken a L O N G time for it to dawn on me the one faithful source of comfort and love in my life has been God.  I have been "Looking in all the wrong places," for most of my life.

As I slight my neighbor, so I slight God.  As I ignore the needy, so I ignore God.  As I hide in my cave, I try to hide from God.  As I lambaste the retailer for not having what I want, I lambaste God for ignoring my wants.  As I justify my actions toward others, I justify my sins against God.  As I deny my accountability for my actions, I cast all wrong on others before God.  I could go on and on--but you get the point.  My interactions with those God has placed in my life are often a reflection of how I interact with Him.

I am thankful for the relationships God has placed in my life--past and present.  I am thankful for my need for others which is a stark reminder of my need for Him.  I am thankful for those who hold me accountable by calling my attention to my failings.  I am thankful for the love of others as it reminds me of His great love.  I am thankful for the stark reminders of my great need for Him as I seek the warmth of deep relationships.  

I am thankful as I gaze at the mirror image of life and my relationships with others that objects in the mirror are always closer than they appear.  I am thankful for His close presence.

The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.
Psalm 145:18


  1. God wants a personal one-to-one relationship with us. And that is what we should pursue. Jesus explains that when He says who amongst you, having lost a sheep, will not leave the ninety-nine and go looking for the lost one; and when it is found, rejoice with friends and neighbours. (Luke 15: 1-10). He also gives the same example about a woman losing, and then finding, a silver coin.

    Jesus here is teaching us how much value God places on His relationship with us, on a one-to-one basis; and how much He rejoices when one of us, having gone astray, returns to Him. He places so much value on us that He paid the ultimate price for that relationship on the Cross.

    Thank you, Lulu, for yet another brilliant post. Very inspired.

    God bless you.

    1. We make a goo tag team, Victor. Thank you for your comment!

  2. I keep on saying this...falling behind in everything---snail mail, blogs etc etc....thank you sweet friend for this post, sure needed to see this.

    1. We all know how busy you are-don't sweat the small stuff!

  3. Ouch. That 4th paragraph has hit home big time this evening. God heard me go on and on and on this afternoon in the privacy of my living room. He has used you to convict me. I needed that kick. I'm asking for forgiveness right now, even as I click away here.

    Blessings on you, friend ...

    1. He can use the most unlikely among us to teach us, Friend!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!