Never are you more aware of being along than during the holidays.  During those early years of my solitary life, I received an unexpected and wonderful gift one Christmas. In the midst of my grief and anguish, Santa's elves visited me every day for the 12 days of Christmas.  All of a sudden the magic of Christmas was restored by a kind and thoughtful family of Santa's helpers.  It returned the anticipation of the sweetness and joy of the most wonderful time of the year.  

The Elves arrived in stealth manner daily with their gifts of the season.  It was great fun to find the gifts tucked by the door each and every day.  When it was all over, they revealed their identity and had great fun recounting the stories of sneaking around under the cover of dark and anonymity to surprise me daily.  I was blessed and by listening to their stories I knew they were blessed--probably as much if not more- in the fun of restoring my sense of the joy of Christmas.  Here is the list of their gifts as I published on this blog several years ago:

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas---
My Christmas Elves Brought to me---

12 pieces of fruit
11 Candy Canes
10 Fresh Eggs
9 Chews of Gum
8 Christmas Cookies
7 Red Apples
6 Cans of Pop

5 Debbie Cakes

4 Rolls of Tissue
3 Boxes of Jello
2 Rolls of Tape


Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year--but it can also be the most dreaded time of the year for some.  For a myriad of reasons, some not only do not look forward to Christmas, but absolutely dread it coming.  There are those with no family, those who are ill, those who are far from family, those with no home, those who have lost a loved one, and especially those who have lost hope.  My challenge to each of you is finding someone to reach out to and bless this Christmas season.  Look around you and be aware of those who are not looking forward to Christmas and think of a way to bless them--anonymously or overtly--that does not matter--what matters is the act.  A random act of kindness with perfect intent to bless another. 

I would love to see your comments on the blog or on Facebook about what you have decided to do--not who you are doing it for--but what you are doing.  Inspire us by your thoughtful plan and bless us by sharing it.  As for me--I have my eyes open looking for those that God places in my path.  I will be posting some of the ideas and look forward to hearing your experiences.  After all--what is Christmas all about--if not for sharing the love of Jesus.  Will you take the challenge?

Whoever brings blessing will be enriched
Proverb 11:25


  1. Bah ... humbug !!! Helping other people? Not me ... When's the last time anyone helped me for a change? I've had enough helping people. They're all miserable around here.

    You're so right though, Lulu, that Christmas can be a lonely and sad time for many people. Especially those with no family and the elderly. I recall we had a neighbour living alone and no one visited her. Really sad.

    God bless you for your kindness and for encouraging us to do something nice for someone. I'll definetly try to be a little kinder this season; although to be honest I'm out of practice seeing it is so long since I last did so.

    Wishing you the best this Advent.

    1. Somehow I seriously doubt this, Victor. Your verbal acts of kindness have been witnessed by me and others over and over!
      A Blessed Advent, Friend!

  2. You have blessed us beyond words...sweet friend...and I had to chuckle...gum??(giggling)...thank you...and I do believe the word BELIEVE has to be part of the Christmas season. Love to you friend.

    1. The family included 3 little boys- now does that gum make perfect sense? Praying for you & yours!
      Blessings !


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!