I woke up this morning with a deep unexplained feeling of sadness. This happens occasionally for no apparent reason. It is a beautiful cool spring day with just enough gentle breeze blowing to require a jacket and gloves. A reminder of the winter we are trying to leave behind as we welcome the glory of spring. Very reminiscent of the year we hope to leave behind and the hope of a better day to come.
Perhaps this covering of melancholy comes with remembering those who have departed this world in the past year. My prayers have been filled with petitions for comfort for those who grieve. Some of this loss is the natural progression of life. There comes a time when we are appointed to die. Some of this loss has been the result of the virus and the havoc it can cause in our bodies. Some of the loss is untimely and unexplainable, with no good answer. Death is usually not a beautiful thing-no matter what Hollywood would have you believe.
One thing is certain we are NEVER ready for our loved ones to leave us. Certainly there is comfort in the promise of eternity, but that does not fill the void left by the absence of those we love. Death-the final enemy-has been defeated, but we are left to grieve the vacuum caused by our loss. We have been left here with a visible hole in our lives in this world. The only solace is knowing the end of the story.
Good Friday is here. The day Jesus was beaten, ridiculed, hung from a cross and speared. I seriously doubt Jesus' disciples, family, or followers thought there was one thing good about this day. After a day of watching the slow agonizing death of the Man of Sorrows, the skies darkened and He breathed His last. Could it be my melancholy is caused by the realization of the brutal death He suffered so that I might live? At the end of the day Friday, there was more than a void from the loss of the man they loved, there was the death of hope. They could not see where this was headed. They only knew the deep sorrow of His loss.
Friday was here---but Sunday was coming.
"And when all the crowd that came to see the crucifixion saw what had happened, they went home in deep sorrow."
Luke 23:48
Amen, Lulu. Jesus' sacrifice for us seems heightened in these times of so much loss and sorrow for so many, but Easter will come, and we will rejoice in it!
Praise God for His plan of provision!