Long time friend, former client, and consistent blog encourager sent today's word. My first thought was a question I was asked many years ago ~"Now, will this make you happy?"
The results of my request were satisfying and beautiful, but did it make me happy ~ not for long. You see in a few short years, I was no longer enjoying the creation which had made me happy. It was passed on and hopefully made someone else happy.
Of course I went to
I am always happy when I see a bluebird. They always fly away.
The world tells us if we own fill in the blank, we will have happiness. I look around me and see most who seek happiness in things are temporarily, at best, happy. There is this thing called
When sometimes we leave the store, and before we even get home are wondering what in the world we were thinking.
So we can all agree things do not truly bring lasting happiness.
Maybe happiness is found is relationships? I found these two VERY confusing images~
Happiness seems to be elusive and fleeting. This old proverb sums it up
Happiness is wonderful, but it also can be illusive. The definition of happiness
the state of being happy
lead me to wonder exactly what happy means
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
Perhaps I am wrong but I personally do not believe happiness leads to contentment. It feels too much like it is dependent upon outside circumstances.
brings me pleasure AND contentment. Exactly what does joy mean?
a feeling of great pleasure and happiness
It seems, to me, happiness is surface and joy is deep. "I have joy, joy, joy- down in my heart". We all know on some level joy is a deeper level of peace and contentment. Seldom are we happy in the pits of life, but we can always have joy- in spite of being in the pits. It is a lasting and eternal feeling.
So happiness or joy---I choose joy~ every time.
"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance"
Galatians 5:22
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I feel exactly the same way about happiness and joy, and the vast chasm between the two. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is everlasting.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Lulu!
Amen, My Friend!
Happiness is relative. The more relatives one has the less chance of happiness if they eat all your chocolate. (Proverb by Victor S E Moubarak)
ReplyDeleteChickens make me happy. Especially KFC ones. But I agree with you about joy. It's a deeper, more intense, form of happiness. It is knowing why we are happy. That's the difference.
We may be happy to be Christians. But we are joyful to know why.
God bless, Lulu.
What a wonderful adage, Victor. I do not share my chocolate with anyone--relative or not! As for KFC, you need to come to the Southern US---we have MUCH better fried chicken here!
ReplyDeleteThankful I know why I am joyfully happy.
Blessings, My Friend!