This word was sent by a sweet friend who has the aura of a Godly spirit  where ever they go.  One of those whom you never hear anything negative about ~ they are truly and example of the shining light we read about in The Word.  

My first thought when seeing this word---WHOA ! it is a verb.  There has been only one other verb submitted.  Perhaps that is why my initial response was a 

In the beginning, I thought of this example.  I am sitting talking with friends and one proceeds to tell us, "I walked in a room on a mission to retrieve something and as soon as I crossed the threshold I could not remember what I was supposed to bring back."  I can RELATE to that.

This corresponds with the second definition from the dictionary

  1. 1.
    make or show a connection between.

  2. 2.
    feel sympathy with; identify with.

I normally say, "I feel your pain," when speaking of relating with someone.  Often I find myself empathizing with others in my peer group.  Aging is not for the faint of heart.

I am currently plowing through the prophets in my chronological read through the Bible in a year.  I must say, there are times I might wonder how in the world am I supposed to relate to this?  What is the purpose of putting the history of the Israelites in the Bible?  What possible need do I have for all these begats, wars, violence, disobedience, king after king?  How could I possibly relate (show a connection between) the Old Testament and the present day?

In case you have not noticed, there are still wars going on today.  The age old conflict of evil against good is reflected every night on the daily news.  The Bible offers a snap shot of the history of God's chosen people and the issues they faced.  Yes, it is filled with violence and man's great inhumanity toward His fellow man.  AND that is still happening and has always happened.  The history contained in the Old Testament is evidence of how we can relate with the past by living in a present day world which still closely resembles what has gone before us.  I found this quote ~

God gives us this history so that we might understand man's propensity to repeat the same mistakes over and over.  He has given us a literal picture of who we are and how mankind relates to God.

We are given the Bible to show us Who God is.  Until we understand God's character, we cannot truly begin to know the vast greatness and majesty of our God.  His attributes are revealed in The Word.  Without this literal explanation of the God of the Universe, we would never know the infinite majesty of God Almighty.

We are given the Bible to show the history of God's people, Who God is, and finally What the beautiful Gospel Story is of His provision for our redemption.  God has a plan---He has provided an atonement for our sin.  That plan is presented in His Word.

YES~ we can relate to The Word.  It is not outdated, it is not irrelevant, and it is not fiction.  God's Word is His provision - His map - His teaching  and each and every word relates to today. God is showing us who man is, Who God is, and What He provided for us so that we might be in His presence.  There is great truth in those pages.  Indeed ~

"Your eternal word, o Lord,
stands firm in heaven.
Your faithfulness extends to every generation,
as enduring as the earth you created.
Your regulations remain true to this day,
for everything serves your plans."
Psalm 119: 89-91


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  1. Yes, we can relate to God's Word in this day and age, that's for sure. Mankind doesn't change, and our propensity for evil is devastating; makes me more grateful than ever for God's love and salvation.
    Blessings, Lulu!

  2. There are many instances in the Old and New Testaments with which we can relate; (show a connection with the present day.)

    For example, Moses taking 40 years to travel the short journey from Egypt to Israel. Have you ever known a man to ask for directions when lost?

    Also, in the New Testament, I relate to Peter who, having lived with Jesus and witnessed His many miracles, he stumbled and his faith faltered many times.

    God bless.

  3. We forget those instances in which we know we relate. I get lost in all the wars and begats, Victor!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!