New words are still in the mill from you, Dear Friends  .  Have NO FEAR---I've GOT words!  Always!


I have had this word on the list for some time.  SO~

I KNOW for a fact many of you suffer along with me when it comes to distractions.  I walk into a room to get my coat and glance at a pair of pants needing to be hung up, as I walk across the room to pick up the pants, I trip over a pair of shoes carelessly left in the middle of the room, I pick them up to put in the closet and notice my neighbor out the window who I really need to talk with, I head out the door and see the front steps need sweeping, walking back in to get the broom notice a glass left on the table, picking up the glass and heading to the kitchen I see the pantry door left ajar, walking over to close the door I see the shelves are a mess,  as I begin to straighten the shelves I see the garbage needs emptying, as I head out the door to empty the trash I feel the early morning chill in the air and wonder why I do not have on my coat.  Around and around I go--over and over--easily distracted and flitting from one thing to the other--never seeming to accomplish anything.

I need to put horse blinders on and perhaps then I could stay on track.

I was SHOCKED to discover they actually make horse blinders for humans.  WHAT has the world come to.  To think ------OOPS! distracted and there I go again off on a rabbit trail.

Look what I see out my window this morning.  I love to see the intricate work of a spider---

I may need medication.  Once again---I am caught in the web of distractions.  Hopefully while driving I will be able to keep my eyes on the road and

I found this great slogan

If only I could focus on these words.  

PERHAPS our lack of focus is a diversion tactic of the world meant to keep us from looking and focusing on what is truly important.  There are more ways to be distracted than ever, consequently we have to work harder to stay focused on those things which truly matter.  Those things which have lasting impact.  

Our small group is studying this book

Which is a reminder of God's expectations of us being fruitful.  It encourages us to 

and use what God has gifted us with to glorify Him.    This sums up exactly what I am feebly trying to tell you ~

Keep your focus, dear friend, and look to Him Who has abundantly gifted you for where He would have you to use those gifts.  Do NOT be distracted by this world, but keep your focus on Him.  

"10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 

11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
I Peter 4:10-11


  1. Let us never become distracted when it comes to focusing on God, Lulu. But I must say, I had to chuckle at your descriptions of what being distracted looks like. Goodness knows, I've been there and done that!

  2. I can walk in circles for hours, Martha!

  3. I never get distracted the doorbell rang. It's the pizza being delivered. Why are pizzas mostly round and ... pinepples on pizza. I spilt some beer on the new carpet. Now get ready for another lecture about tidiness and then ... the silent treatment.

    Let God be our focus. God bless.

  4. See ... I got distracted by the beer getting spilt and spelt pineapple wrong!!!

    God bless.


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!