To all you who have not crossed the bridge into senior status, it is a journey which sneaks up on you.  My head still tells me I can do the things I did decades ago.  My body asks me if I am crazy when I attempt some of them.  I have made allowances for my age because of my single status.  It is NOT prudent to break a bone at this point in life.  There is no back up in place if I need help.  SO, I do not climb on the roof anymore and stay off of tall ladders and gave up those long hiking adventures.  I am cautious about my travels--try not to drive long distances in bad weather.  I was very careful during the peek of the pandemic--more from fear of spreading the cooties and causing someone compromised to become infected.  I make allowances for my age.   Not everyone does, but I have slowed my pace.  

I love this meme.  I am VERY proud of my crows feet beside my eyes (NOT to say I love all my wrinkles).  They are an indication of how much I have smiled and laughed.  Based upon the depth of them--I would say that has been a boat load of laughs and grins.  What a blessing!

Recently I have made a decision after much discussion, prayer, and seeking about my involvement in ministry.  I began to find myself exhausted and grumpy a great deal of the time.  I processed this with my sweet friend--the cause and what to do about it.  I have come to the decision to retire from the on going week in and week out active ministry.  It was a difficult decision with varying emotions--including guilt (we all know who put that on me).  For more reasons than you want to hear, it was time to concentrate on my strengths in ministry and forego those which were draining.  I believe in telling the truth--even when I am not proud of the truth.  I am experiencing mixed emotions about this decision, but I also am feeling much more rested and relaxed.  It was time to back off what had become an emotional drain and allow someone younger (or more energetic) to take the reins.  NOW--make no mistake--I am seeking where God wants to place me next.  Trusting Him to use those gifts He blessed me with for His good purpose.  He also knows my strengths and capacities.  He is faithful---as long as I am willing--He will provide.

So thankful for each step of this trek God has me on.  I have loved getting to know the ladies I have worked with.  I will stop by and visit with them occasionally.  As with each and every person and experience in life, God places them there for a purpose.  Until the fat lady sings, I will keep on walking down His path---though it be at a slower pace.  He will use me for His good purpose.

"He has saved us

and called us to a holy life-

not because of anything we have done

but because of His own purpose and grace."

Timothy 1:10

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