There are readers of this blog who have been with me for years and there are those who recently joined our fun and games.  Depending upon when you started reading and, if you knew me before I began blogging  (a long time ago--I think I am on my 3rd or 4th blog) you may or may not know the person behind the blog face.  I change almost as often as I seem to move--SIGH!   Once again I am using the book I am reading as my inspiration.  I hope this gives you a hunger to read it since it has been one of the best books I have read in a while.  That report is coming--I am over half way finished--but it is a book which requires relishing--NOT a fast read.

One certainty is the deeper we know the writer--the more we will understand their written word.  Once again--the advent of the internet has not been the friend of the hand written letter.  There are so many forms of communication today including podcasts, chatrooms, and other social platforms that written communication is slowly dwindling to a trickle.  Hopefully, the more I write--and you read---you will begin to "know" me and understand the nuances and meaning behind what I am trying to say.  You will understand when I am being tongue in cheek without me having to tell you.  My intent will be crystal clear and you will understand where my thoughts come from and what motivates them.  The more we are together--the better we will know each other--especially if you are a regular commenter who gives me the opportunity to know you.

  I have an old letter written by my Daddy to my mother during WW II when he was stationed in the European theater.   I can almost hear his voice when I read it and know the very tone his endearments would have.  If I showed you the letter, you would think it was sweet---BUT since you did not know my dad---it would not have the same deep emotional meaning it does to me.  The better we know the writer--the more we understand the meaning and tone behind the flat words on the page.

God's Word is a letter to us---a letter filled with His great love for us.  The more we get to know God---the better we will understand His letter to us.  With time spent with Him seeking Him, communicating with Him, we will grow closer and closer to understanding His intent--and motivation.  His great love for us---His Beloved.  I pray we all can read His Word and take the time to ponder Who the author is, what our history is with Him, and remembering His intent.  I pray it will become God's precious love letter to each and everyone of us.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love:

therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."

Jeremiah 31:3


  1. God's Word certainly is His love letter to all of His beloved children. May we ever cherish it!
    Blessings, Lulu!

    1. And read it over and over.
      Blessings, Martha!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!