Almost everyday you can spot me bent over pulling weeds in the beds or in the yard. When this yard was allowed to become a jungle, the weeds were delighted. Here is a brutal fact of gardening, weeds are prolific growers and do not require much to take over all your carefully cultivated landscape. They require less water and seem to not be subject to many of the maladies of gardens. A pest would not touch one with a ten foot pole---they much prefer to munch on all of your carefully tended vegetation. There seems to be no natural enemies to thwart their growth and, if left to their own devices, they will take the place over.
OH--but one of my dearest friends is "Roundup". It gives me GREAT satisfaction to give some brazen weed a good spray. I don't buy these small sissy bottles such as above. I go for the gallon of automatic spray. I am a deadly force (literally) when it comes to Roundup and no weed goes ignored. The thing about roundup is that is cannot discern the good from the bad. Whatever you spray it on, it will kill. SO---those weeds that have managed to tuck themselves in the middle of the intended---in the flower beds and in the grass have to be hand pulled--including their roots. I have learned if you work on a some everyday for a period of time---you can not only keep up with the new growth, but you can begin to tame the old. It is a constant everyday process--and I am beginning to see progress. Someday I will have a well manicured and tended yard---but I have to work at it. Left alone---I will be back to cultivating weeds.
So it is with our hearts and souls, they require diligent upkeep and care. If left to the devices of the wild world we live in, we will soon see the ugly heads of sin beginning to take over. It is a process---a process of prayer, study, and seeking God and His wisdom. When we seek Him, He is faithful to help us tear sin out by the roots and free us from the choke hold it can become. God will free us from the desire for sin---and all we have to do is be willing--compliant--trusting and He will do the rest. God is indeed the "Gardener of our Hearts and Souls". Praise Him For His Faithful Care.
"Jesus said to His disciples:
'I am the true vine,
and My Father is the gardener.' "
John 15:1
May God help us all keep our hearts and minds weed-free from the sins that threaten to choke us out. Great analogy, Lulu!
Some do not like the fact I am a roundup fan. To each his own--and in my book it I cannot jerk it out by the roots, poisoning is the next best solution.
DeleteBlessings, Martha!