I would like for all of you faithful readers to know that I do not just complain and moan about the anxiety I am currently experiencing (a kinder description might be reveal repeatedly).  I actually try to do something to alleviate the symptoms it produces.  Since anxiety has led to a nagging  stress which has produced a low level of  depression, I KNOW the solution.  I have experienced the benefits many times in the past and thus, I am picking up my exercise regime which had dwindled down to not much in the heat of the Texas summer.  I am back on track now, since the heat has abated and I have no excuse--I am on a mission to do what I can about this nagging anxiety by adding to my daily walk.  No need to jump in the deep end of exercise--a daily walk will suffice.  This does not happen overnight---I do have better sense.  It is a slow process adding a little each and every week.  My morning walk is consistently a mile since The Wonder Dog needs his exercise or he won't poop (TMI---SORRY!).  So with that base of a mile, I am beginning to add distance by dropping Hero off after his walk (at least about a third of which I carry him--HE'S OLD).  I decide upon the distance to add for the week and walk that distance every day of the week before adding a little more the next week.  Trying to avoid injury---I play it safe by conditioning my muscles and lengthening my endurance bit by bit.  The goal is back up to 5 miles---a good daily walk distance to help increase my endorphins.  With the gradual increase, I find I do not get sore, am less prone to injury, and do not come home exhausted.  It will be doable--without regret.

  SIDENOTE--this all sounded great two weeks ago when I wrote this, but since then I have experienced the ugly head of a prior injury and a new one.  I used to have a good leg---NO MORE!  My parts are wearing out!  SO I'm back to between a mile and two since Hero has to have his walk--even if I have to drag my leg behind me!

As I pondered this plan today, I was reminded how God will and does take sin from our life in a similar manner.  When we recognize a sin in our life and realize the havoc it can wreck upon our lives, we want to stop the sin action, but are sometimes leery about our ability to follow through.  What I have discovered is IF I AM WILLING to hand it over to God--to ask for His help, He will faithfully help me to not only cease the sin action, but discover I do not really miss it.  In fact, I am given a lift in spirit when I leave my sinful way behind.  I may still slip up---I may have to repent once again---but God faithfully works to take my sin, if I am willing to do my part.  He is a God who desires for us to stay on the perfect path He has planned for us, but He also recognizes our weaknesses.  He will faithfully help us---if we only ask.  The first step to success is always turning to Him.  Here's to less stress and, more important, an improved walk by trusting Him and the sure knowledge of Who is always walking beside me.

"So do not fear, for I am with you;

do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Isaiah 41:10


  1. We may not be able to do all the things that we used to as we age, but God never grows weary of hearing from us, in prayer and repentance, and is there for the long haul always. His righteous right hand is always at the ready. Blessings, Lulu!

    1. SO Thankful for our Faithful God!
      Blessings, Martha!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!