For the life of me, I cannot determine what began this line of "mulling it over".  I have just finished a 4 day weekend of dog and house sitting for one of my granddogs.  The Fort Worth kids were all out of town for the long holiday weekend, and I was staying in a neighborhood that is not familiar to me.  For 4 days, I only spoke to the dogs--(and occasionally yelled), so perhaps my lack of oral communication started me thinking this over.  ALSO--tomorrow begins the fall term of the Bible Study I attend.  I will be in a new small group--will not know a soul (it's a huge church and Bible Study).  Perhaps I was pondering the best questions to ask to begin a conversation.  I also VOWED to keep my comments to a minimum---listen---not talk.  Maybe all of this brought on the dialogue in my head over making statements and asking questions.

Socializing 101 teaches us---everyone likes to talk about themselves (Guilty).  So ask a question---about any part of their lives - and usually the conversation is off to the races.  Women --especially-  love to talk about their children, grands, and family.  Ask the question, "Tell me about your family?" and you have begun their monologue and need not concern yourself with question #2.  Men---might be a little more difficult---but I dare say most of them will talk to you ad nauseam about their favorite sport.  They do not like sports--ask them about their job.  These questions are conversation starters 90+% of the time  for men.  So what do people like to talk about--the things they spend the most time pursuing/helping/doing.  

When we make a statement---it can fall flat.  But the interest we show when we ask a question is an instant ice breaker.  We all want to feel like we are seen---and heard.  The esteem and interest of others in our lives is an invitation to come through the door in the wall we place around ourselves for protection.  Most of us cannot resist the lure of a well asked question.

This lead me to thinking over the times in The Word that God & Jesus  ask questions.  Here are a few examples- 

"Where are you?"  Genesis 3

"Where is your brother?" Genesis 4

"What are you doing here?" I Kings 19

"Who do you say that I am?" Mark 8


"Do you understand what I have done for you?" John 13

"Some say that God asks questions to remind people that His ways are often beyond human understanding.  Others say that God asks questions to bring people to the end of themselves so they can repent and find a closer relationship with God."

God is all knowing---so why does He asks questions in The Word?  To point man to truth.  As I studied the questions God asks in The Word---it became so apparent--the question was not asked because God did not understand, but so that man could understand.  As a parent teaches a child---often beginning with a question---so God teaches us.


  1. Asking questions is the perfect ice breaker, especially in new situations with people who are strangers to us. I love how you highlighted God's questions posed to us throughout the Bible. It is an invitation to let down our guard and get to know Him in a personal way.
    Blessings, Lulu!

    1. It is mind staggering to think, HE would ask us questions! What a GREAT GOD we serve.
      Blessings, Martha!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!