My latest television series I am watching from start to finish is "The Crown."  My kind of show---history---with a bit of fiction since the exact words spoken are not always accurate.  Speaking of dysfunctional--this family has all their crazies on public display.  NEVER envy people in the public spotlight!  It is difficult enough to deal with personal dysfunction without having it scrutinized by every Tom, Dick & Harry who might care enough to comment.  The media is right smack dab in the middle of their lives---and what is not openly revealed is fair game for supposition.   The royal family---if you care enough to watch and even start to think about it---are a royal soap opera.  

One thing which has struck me in a positive manner was The Queen's portrayal as a praying monarch.  She is shown over and over on her knees by her bed praying.  As the British monarch she was charged with being The Head of the Church of England, a role she took very seriously as The Defender of the Faith.   This is directly and indirectly referred to over and over in the series.  With all her faults, no one every denied her deep faith.  I will refrain from discussing her successor, but watch the series--it is eye opening.  

This causes me to consider the examples given in The Word over and over of those rulers who worshipped and obeyed a Holy God and those who did not.  Over and over---God shows favor to those who worship Him and disfavor and even judgement to those who defy Him.  Do we consider a person's faith when deciding who we will vote for-the person who we allow to lead us?  Is it a point of integrity when one has a deep faith?   I will leave you to ponder this with no further comment.

"When crooks are in control,

everyone tries to hide,

but when they lose power,

good people are everywhere."

Proverbs 28:28 CEV


  1. We so enjoyed watching "The Crown," and I'm glad you are loving it, too, Lulu. Yes, Queen Elizabeth's faith was so strong, and it is, indeed, exemplified over and over again throughout the series. As people of God, may our votes be for those who would guide us as a faith-filled person. Blessings!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!