The church I claim here in Fort Worth had their annual Christmas Cantata recently.  It is quite the production which comes with being a mega church.  They have the funds and talent to put together quite a worship service.  There is a full orchestra--including a stringed orchestra, a hand bell choir, two children's choirs, and a large choir filled with great talent.  If this does not get you into the Christmas spirit---nothing will!  A variety of music is performed including the familiar and well loved carols.  Perhaps my favorite part this year was an African Carol sung in the original language with a percussion band adding to the depth entitled "In Bethlehem".  If you care to hear, go HERE.  

My very favorite choral songs involve a great depth of instruments and voices.  While I love a talented soloist, perhaps harmony is my favorite.  If you think it over, harmony is a great explanation of working together.  There is something about the full rich sound which strikes a chord deep within.  Exactly what is harmony?  There are voices which sing the melody line of the piece which most of us would recognize and can sing.  Perhaps this is the easiest part to sing--since it follows along with the melody.  We have a natural tendency to sing the main melody of a song.  The harmony is added when we sing a third or fifth above or below the melody.  These harmony notes compliment the main tune without clashing.  The notes of harmony blend well with the melody usually following the chords of the song. (I know just enough about music theory to quality as a beginner at best.  What I do know and love is it is all based upon math.)

Is it not wonderful that someone can sing---not the melody---but different notes which give the song a rich fullness pleasing to the ear?  If all the notes were sung as melody--sure it would be enjoyable, but the completeness of singing harmony adds a new dimension to any piece.  The true beauty of any piece comes with all voices melody and harmony performing as one.  It is an offering of fullness and great beauty.

Music gives us a glimpse of the creation of mankind.  We are not all going to be considered walking the middle of the road.  There are those who walk "off path", but what an interesting and divergent world we live in because of our differences.  Those who are inclined to walk through life a bit off the path---are not wrong---they are instead adding depth to our journey.  We all have friends who do not walk the straight path--might even be considered a bubble off center---but OH---the depth they add to our lives.  God, The Creator, the composer of a Great Masterpiece.

"For we are God's masterpiece.

He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,

so we can do the good things

He planned for us long ago."

Ephesians 2:10


  1. I love singing harmony whenever possible, Lulu. It sounds like your church's cantata was over the top magnificent, too. Remember that old Coke add that stated (sang), "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony?" I think that's what we all long for, especially at Christmas time. Blessings!

    1. Harmony - what a beautiful & deep word!
      Blessings, Martha!


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