When I am walking the Wonder Dog, it can become a struggle.  Often he does not either want to proceed or he is headed in the wrong direction.  I have a remedy I try---sometimes it works and others it doe not.  I use this long leg God gave me to nudge him forward by gently giving him a push with my foot from the rear.  Usually it takes more than one push to get him headed on down the sidewalk again.  I also use that foot to gently push on one side or the other to get him headed in the right direction.  I really have talented feet.  This method may look like I am abusing him---but you will notice I used the word gently each time.  My aim is to not abuse Hero, but to get him moving and headed in the right direction.  Needless to say---I have comments at times by those witnessing me herding.

Why do I say herding?  It is a method similar to what shepherds do with their shepherd's hook.  It is the very same action I use with my foot, and produces the same results.  The shepherd's hook---also has a hook---used to grab a wayward lamb who is going astray.  My answer to the hook is what I call the scoop and grab.  I reach down and pick the stubborn old man up and carry him for a while.  Sheep are not really very smart and can be stubborn to the core.  Why do you suppose sheep often describe man in The Word?  We are well known for straying from The Way.  I am so thankful He is willing to herd me back to the flock and will chase after only one even when He is charged with many.  

"If any of you has 100 sheep,

and one of them gets lost,

what will you do?

Won't you leave the 99

in the field

and go look for the lost sheep

until you find it?

And when you find it,

you will be so glad

that you will put it on your shoulder

and carry it home."

Luke 15:4-5 CEV

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