We spend our lives in an effort to build strong walls
--protecting us from all that threatens to attack-kill-and destroy.
The sad truth is the walls no matter how thick
or how strong or all made by fallen man.
Without the strong re-enforcement
that comes from the source of all strength,
our walls will easily crack and crumble
as the jaws of the enemy
snakes around and attacks.
He hungers for our treasures, our prizes, our pride
He has no bounds as He pushes, pulls, and pounds
and knocks it all down
And after the day has ended-
-because we forgot the under-girding
we are left with a pile of garbage
that even the enemy disdains and ignores.
A twisted and broken pile of life
that at the final say
Is quickly loaded and cast on the trash heap
All that we cherished and prized
Junk in the end
The question I bring-
-to this sad little tale
Is when life is a mess-
-and destined for the trash heap
All has been cleared and
you are left with a blank slate
What will you do
Where will you turn?
Will your land stay empty left for the grass
Or will you rebuild with the right foundation
A temple fit for the Master
What will you do
with your blank slate?
Today my joy is in "My Firm Foundation"--
"The Rock" upon which I stand.
Today my joy is in "My Firm Foundation"--
"The Rock" upon which I stand.
"He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built."
Luke 6:48
Paperback book is here:
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