"Straighten up and fly right!" [Did they have wings?]
"Do NOT think that I don't know what you are up to!" [Clairvoyant]
"Wipe that smile off your face!" [Eraser supplied]
"EAT that food, there are starving children all over the world!" [World Traveler]
"Do not even start with the lying, I can smell a lie from a mile away!" [How does a lie smell?]
"You just WAIT until I get you home!" [Created a fast mass exodus from the car]
"Go to your room and think about what you just did!" [Mind Reader from a Distance]
"You just WAIT until your Daddy gets home!" [An automatic out]
The miracle in my life is that I survived my raising and my kids survived my feeble attempts at their raising. It was NOT too funny at the time--but today it is quite humorous!
The entire point of the moment of silliness during BS was the generations behind us that are falling away from their faith and leaving the church in large numbers. Where did we go wrong? I do not think we went wrong--what I think is our children have to accept our faith as their own--it has to become their choice. Our example may be the enticement for their commitment, but bottom line--it is THEIR choice, not ours.
It has taken me an entire lifetime to understand what this thing faith is all about--it is not about me---it is ALL about Him. My feeble attempts to follow the rules and prove myself worthy are all for naught. It BEGINS with a relationship---a one on one relationship. He already knows me---but I have to do my part and learn who He is by seeking Him. The fruits of this relationship will be my obedience to His Word and seeking to serve Him as evidenced by the life that I live. If you looked at me and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Who I was following, would you see a difference and would you want to share my secret to life?
BECAUSE I am thankful for God's provision of sweet
ladies to care for my grands while their Mom works out at the Y--I took them muffins today--my plan.
While at the grocery picking them up, a lady was in front of me that spoke little English and was having difficulty with the self check out. I stepped up and helped her and she was so grateful. I did not even think--just knew she needed help and I was close by--HIS PLAN.
"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
ladies to care for my grands while their Mom works out at the Y--I took them muffins today--my plan.
While at the grocery picking them up, a lady was in front of me that spoke little English and was having difficulty with the self check out. I stepped up and helped her and she was so grateful. I did not even think--just knew she needed help and I was close by--HIS PLAN.
"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
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Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!