When asked my martial status, I now respond with "Single". There is a social system of hierarchy in our society and, unless you are in your 20's, the status of single seems to be in a caste that sometimes is cast in never-never land. My small group in R and here in FW is comprised of couples and singles---a good reflection of the world around us. Here in FW---my small group also has the variety of ages--with college students to retirees and all ages between---I LOVE the variety of stages in life-a true and complete picture of the world around us. This variety is not the status quo.---As I have looked around me--I see groups of like social status hanging together and not a lot of mixing of the castes. There are times that this seems to be a natural outflow---young mothers with a nest full of chicks meet at the playground or gather for play groups; mothers with teens on teams congregate at games and practices; empty nesters pulling together to survive the college years and empty homes--it is a natural magnetic pull of shared experiences. The "singles" --unless they are congregating at entertainment facilities (i.e.--bars) --are in an isolated environment with sometimes little opportunity for interaction. My next few blogs will address being "Single" at 65--the ups/downs---survival techniques---a glimpse into the day to day of being alone and figuring out how to live "Singleness".
It just occurred to you that you have no interest in this direction of my blogging since you are not alone! Consider this-- -at some point in time--you will be alone---or you will not be here--but have gone on. We ALL --if we are the survivor--will face being alone at some point in time. Pull your head out of the sand--face the facts---not wishing it on anyone---BUT we are all headed in that direction---sooner or later. A little advance glimpse of the road ahead never hurt anyone--AND perhaps will give you insight into what lies ahead and a little more understanding of your friends who are single. I am NOT "Debbie Downer", but I am a realist----"It IS what it IS." There is NO reason you cannot make the most of what it is!
Life as a single as been a stark eye opener into a world that I truly did not understand before. I get it now. When I think about the fact that my mother was alone for 30 years of her adult life, with only a few of those years including raising children, I am amazed that she did as well as she did--and yet it still was a very isolated and lonely existence. Hopefully I will learn from her life, and be more intentional in fighting the aloneness.
HERE is the REALLY GOOD NEWS---the Bible has MANY singles in it---CHECK IT OUT! He not only approves of the status---when we seek to live according to His word---BUT THE BEST NEWS---He can use you in a MIGHTY way to give Him good glory--whatever your status. Be encouraged and of good cheer---and open to His perfect plan for you--whatever your status.
HERE is the REALLY GOOD NEWS---the Bible has MANY singles in it---CHECK IT OUT! He not only approves of the status---when we seek to live according to His word---BUT THE BEST NEWS---He can use you in a MIGHTY way to give Him good glory--whatever your status. Be encouraged and of good cheer---and open to His perfect plan for you--whatever your status.
God intended us to live in community. Check out the New Testament church--we do best in fellowship with others. The challenge has been figuring out just how to live life as God intended, and remaining faithful to His mandates for living life well. The next few posts will address what I have learned and my insight into "Solitary Life".
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together, and had everything in common."
Acts 2: 42-44
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