I am working hard in the weight room when I lift three hours a week in the power pump class I attend. After our warm up, we work each major muscle group doing over 800 reps in an hour. There is not enough time to zone in on your calves. I am sure they assume everyone is doing cardio work which should take care of them. WRONG assumption! I am slowly but surely getting my major muscle groups firm and strong, but my neglect of the cardio has left me an incomplete package.
You Guys know me---the wheels began turning! What does my spiritual condition look like? What is required to maintain peak spiritual condition?
DAILY TIME IN THE WORD---I confess I slip on this---busyness is a poor excuse. When writing I am exploring and researching His Word intensely. On the days I write, I also read devotionals and other blogs with scriptural references. I delve into the scripture for Small Group each week. Unfortunately there are days I am a dismal failure. I drop into the bed and realize I have failed to drink from The Living Water at the end of a day filled with spinning.
PRAYER---my days always include mini-prayers thrown up in haste as God nudges me throughout the day. Some nights, the entire night seems to be an on-going prayer as need after need comes to mind. My prayer time begins to look like my life---a flurry of activity. My major failure in prayer is stopping--being quiet--and listening. God becomes so frustrated with me over this that He begins waking me at 2 AM when I am finally quiet and still. Only then can He get my attention.
SERVICE---this comes in short bursts of intense activity, but then my eyes drop to my navel and I get wrapped up in the day-lies---which are of NO eternal consequence. There is nothing I like more than being in service to further His kingdom--but sadly I am not consistent.
FELLOWSHIP---community is slowly developing in Fort Worth, but while home in Ruston I was reminded of the great circle of fellowship I left behind. Nothing stirs me to growth quicker than the mind stretching sharing with fellow believers. Too many days and nights I am alone---and out of fellowship.
TEACHING---I am blessed to hear God inspired--soul stretching---heart stirring teaching every Sunday. When traveling, I listen to sermons on the radio--I have a few wonderful favorites I look forward to tuning in and hearing. I occasionally read a sermon on line. I read and garner wisdom from great teachers such as John Piper, Beth Moore, A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis---and many many more. There are times I get immersed in the World and put all this aside for a favorite secular series---books and television. I loose my consistency and become distracted by entertainment.
John Piper
These all serve as components of keeping me Spiritually fit. It takes all to keep the soul healthy and in tip top shape. How distressing to forget the importance of each part of the regiment to maintain optimum performance. Fortunately---it is never too late---and when I fall off the training schedule---I can climb back on again. As long as I do not stray for long---all is not lost---only loosing a little ground. Putting my eyes back on the path will soon have me headed in the right direction---and striving for peak spiritual condition.
Stopping and reviewing my inability to maintain focus reminds me once again---HOW GRATEFUL I AM FOR GRACE!
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."
Colossians 1:9-10
Don't look to the right or left, only run ahead to the eternal prize!
ReplyDeleteHi Lulu! What a wonderful spiritual assessment you have made, all from one innocent comment! I think you did respond very actively to the grace that God gave you. Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to spend a little time in quiet prayer each day during Lent. It really has helped my attitude about the trials in my life. I know what you mean by wanting more of that silent, dedicated time.
Hi Lulu! What a wonderful spiritual assessment you have made, all from one innocent comment! I think you did respond very actively to the grace that God gave you. Wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to spend a little time in quiet prayer each day during Lent. It really has helped my attitude about the trials in my life. I know what you mean by wanting more of that silent, dedicated time.
sounds like you're taking very good care of mind, body, and spirit. I don't think you'll have to be worried about losing any definition any time soon, my friend!