I recently heard of a friend whose cancer has returned after being in remission for a period of time.  In the blink of an eye, their life was turned upside down.  All the well made plans will have to be put aside while they return to the onocologist and resume treatment.  All seemed so perfect---every post and notification from them was filled with great experiences, wonderful friends, and memory making trips.  And as they sat before their doctor, life took a new direction.

As I read their post, I was reminded of my sister in law, Carol.  Her life was forever changed with her diagnosis of breast cancer.  She had the surgery, she had the chemo, and she had the radiation.  And life finally returned to a routine of sorts---interrupted by doctor visits.  The fifth year out---the doctor found the cancer had returned--and with a vengeance.  In the blink of an eye, she began her final battle---to win more time--with the family she loved dearly.  With the doctor's utterance of those words, life took a final new direction.

How many of us have experienced those "Blink of an eye" moments?  The letter, the conference with the boss, the call from the police, the surprise diagnosis, a word from a friend, the discovery of betrayal, the collapse of the stock market-- and on and on.  Those occurrences--never expected--not even on the edge of our thoughts--which rock our world and forever alter the future we thought we knew.  And off life goes into uncharted--unfamiliar--completely unanticipated territory.

The question becomes---how do we react---how do we handle the sudden turn of events?  Carol fought with all her might---not willing to give in to the diagnosis---enduring unbelievable suffering---to buy more time--to stay with her family for as long as possible.    I have seen loved ones fired from jobs and vow to do whatever necessary to support their family.  I have watched fortunes disappear with the downward spiral of some man made gauge and those left reeling when all the paper wealth disappeared with a blink of an eye--slowly discover--life goes on--and their net worth in really not their true worth.  I have had the police calls, the word from friends, the letter, and the betrayal--only to discover the world kept on turning--while I sat reeling.  Slowly but surely---we all continue down the path of life--even when we have been given a sharp detour which was not on our map.

At that "Blink of an Eye" moment---what do we say to God? While others watch, how do they see us react to a God who allowed this sudden turn of events.   Do we scream and yell, do we turn and pout, do we become filled with doubt, do we question how He could allow this?  Do we allow Satan to whisper in our ear---do we listen to the concerned friends with "unasked for advice"---do we pour through self help books--do we sit before a therapist---do we continue to look for the silver bullet to change the course before us?  Are we able with faith---and in joy---to proclaim Who God is---what He promises---and allow Him to draw along side of us as we suffer?  When life takes that blink of an eye turn---do we remember who He is---and praise Him for His faithful presence and abiding grace?  When life sends those blink of an eye---are we able to keep our eyes upon Him?

But those who suffer, He delivers in their suffering;
He speaks to them in their affliction.
He is wooing you from the jaws of distress
Job 36:15-16


  1. I'm wracked with tears dear friend, in remembrance of a time long ago when my mom came and picked me up at a new school in a new town to tell me what happened to my Daddy. That's exactly what happened....I let the enemy in....completely. I was wrong...BUT GOD!! God forgives me, He forgives us all, and He gave me a second chance at life when MY "Blink of an Eye" moment came at my own hand 22 years later! He picked me up and made me new! Thank you SO MUCH for this post! I love you!

    1. Oh, Sweet Julie, what a devastating & life changing moment your blink was! And yet, God had a plan- ALL things are used for His purpose & look how He is using you today! He is the God in the midst of those blinks!
      Love You & So Proud of You!

  2. Everything changes in one . split . second. And life is never the same.

    And He gives grace that you never knew you needed. And He doesn't leave your side when the bad and scary news comes again and again.

    He remains the same, Wonderful Comforter. Where would we be without Jesus?

    1. Amen, Linda- breath takingly beautiful comment!
      Thank You, Sweet Friend!

  3. Those Blink Of An Eye Moments can be devastating in many ways. My first one of memory was when Mom died 1966. I was 10 years old and Dad tore up his parent card at the funeral. I pretty much raised myself after that with no brothers or sisters or Aunts or Uncles or anyone to assist. Thankfully, Mom had taught me about Jesus and to trust Him. I was so young though and made so many mistakes. It really brings home, though, that if we don't allow Christ to be with us, it can be a dark, dangerous road ahead. He is our Headlight in this world of gloom.
    Excellent lesson. I pray that it reaches someone today who needs to commit their life to Christ now, while the light lasts.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

    1. Yes, Sparky, I pray the same thing. How do you face these horribles without Jesus?
      Blessings, Friend!

  4. Lulu ... Lulu ... what a difficult post. We are told to keep the Faith and really trust God when things go suddenly wrong. They have many times in my life. And I have failed every time!

    God bless.

    1. Victor -it actually flew on the page & wait until Friday's post for part two of one of the things I have learned in a blink of the eye moment- God is faithfully teaching me.
      Blessings, Friend!

  5. Thank you for this post...have I not shared this story????---(my story)----when my son was in the hospital having open heart surgery, I found out I had breast cancer. Let's just say, that little ray of sunshine of a child helped his mother get through the surgery, radiation. 12 yrs later, it has not returned...yes, friend, life can change in a instant...even for Christians...however, I have to honestly say, I never had that "Why?" moment...I just knew whatever the outcome, it was going to be ok--either way.

    Blessings sweet friend..

    1. No, Friend, I had not heard this before. Knew you had cancer--knew your son had open heart surgery--but DID NOT KNOW it all happened at the same time! DOUBLE BLINK! Wow!
      Thankful for you faith example!
      Blessings To You, Sweet Friend!


Your comments keep my writing and often cause me to think. A written form of a hug or a pat on the back and an occasional slap into reality---I treasure them all!