My talks with dear friends have further confirmed the sad state of affairs in which we live in the midst. Death, disease, destruction, decline of all kinds fill our hearts with fear and dread. The phone ringing or the latest news break interrupting seems to mean only one thing--MORE BAD NEWS!
We all know those narcissistic-psychotic-neurotic --hanging on to sanity by one shear thread neighbors down the street. Those who abuse, threaten, use, terrorize, and victimize the world in general. Those individuals who deny the voice of reason and cling to the sound of crazy.
It will drive you to the edge of despair---or drive you to Jesus. I much prefer Jesus. When the world turns ugly---when your neighbor becomes a crazed homicidal lunatic---when there is no answer and you are absolutely helpless. There is help in Jesus.
He has been the closest---I have most felt His presence---I have known His comfort--when I was absolutely at my lowest. All I had to do was cry out to Him---and He answered in a real--sometimes tangible--always comforting way. HE IS WITH ME! I can let the world drive me over the edge--or allow Jesus to take the wheel and steer me toward the hope that rests in Him. Who is in the driver's seat?
The thing is ... we've always had bad news. Ever since the beginning of time. The world thrives on bad news. It's a few levels or degrees higher than gossip or tittle-tattle. We all like to here something bad about someone else - a friend, neighbour, colleague or acquaintance. It's fun to know who is doing what and to whom and when without their partners knowing. The gossip columns in magazines are full of them. And bad news is just a level higher.
ReplyDeleteIn medieval tymes (did you see how I spelled times?) a man used to walk round the streets at every hour ringing a bell and shout "It is two o'clock and all is well!" That was good news. And he did it every hour.Of course every hour he changed what he said to "three o'clock ... four o'clock" and so on ... otherwise people would have thought that time stood still if he repeated "two o'clock". One day, he was late starting his job because he could not find his trousers. So all evening he roamed the streets shouting "It is ten past two and all is well ... ten past three ... ten past four ... " and so on. This confused everyone that evening because when they switched on the TV to see the news it had already started.
I hope this has helped you make sense of things.
God bless.
Oh ... by the way. Also in medieval tymes people used to shout "Gardeloo" and throw their waste toilet water and out of their windows onto the street below. Gardeloo in French means watch out for the water. One day the man walking around telling the time got a bucket full of water and yukk thrown onto him. He got very wet. This gave him the inspiration to add a weather forecast to his daily routine. "It is four o'clock and beginning to drizzle ... especially if you are under the window of number 15 Acacia Avenue!"
And that was more bad news ... for him.
OH, Victor! Always thankful for your wit!
This is a constant reminder that the good Lord is in control...I wonder if HE watches and goes, "My children, what have you done?" I have also read that believers are at a low time sad is that.
ReplyDeleteHave a beautiful day, friend. smiles
***NOT that I would ever presume anything what the good Lord thinks. Just saying.
Delete"For His thoughts are not ours". My feelings are that He is greatly saddened by the current state of the world.
DeleteBUT GOD!
Blessings, My Friend!
This past year has found us watching the news more and more. I've always been a political junkie ... but what has fascinated me in the past has now left me spent and exhausted.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching less coverage these days and using the fresh air of a silent TV to restore my soul in the ways that matter most.
Thanks for putting this subject on the table, Lulu. More of us need to keep our screens turned to the OFF button.
A steady diet will have us convinced the world is doomed. BUT GOD--we know there is hope--thee is redemption--we WILL know peace!
DeleteBlessings, My Friend!
Hi Lulu! I know what you mean about the constant negative news, it really is enough to bring anyone to despair.
ReplyDeleteBut God... You are so on-point there. May God continue to be our true champion, our true peace-maker. It's good to know that there are people like you out there, just wanting to be a light in the darkness. Thank you for your faith!
Iron sharpens iron, Ceil, and you sharpen me every time I read your words.
DeleteBlessings, My Friend!